View Full Version : A bite wound to Tripple Red Cacatoides Female
Wed Oct 10, 2007, 05:42 AM
My female Apistogramma (Tripple Red Cacatoides) Female has been bitten on the side of her body by the Male, she is looking pretty unwell at the moment & I've just come home from work & found that he may have bitten her in the same spot again as it looks worse than this mornning.
Can anyone offer some advice as to what to do with her.
Bubbles aka Karen :cry:
Wed Oct 10, 2007, 06:31 AM
Included pics of the wound - it looks like she has substained a fungal infection within the bite :cry: :cry: :cry:
Wed Oct 10, 2007, 06:40 AM
If the wound was caused by a bite, then anti-fungal should keep the fungus in control, and the wound should heal over time once the fungus is gone.
However if the initial wound isn't cause by the male, then this may become tricky.
Best is to isolate her first, to allow her to be treated directly.
Wed Oct 10, 2007, 06:47 AM
Hey ThOmas,
Thanks for your reply - I can always count on you to come through for me.
I have just isolated her, she substained the bite from the male as she is very keen to breed & has been anoying him & I think he has just retaliated.
The only treatment l have here at home at the moment is Pimafix - will that be good enough?
Thank ThOmas,
Wed Oct 10, 2007, 07:00 AM
as thomas has said if infection definitely secodary to truama, it will heal with just good clean water and if genuinely fungal infection then simple salt is enough
salt will also reduce osmotic stress across a large area of damaged skin
making other issue's less work for the fish
seperating alos reduces stress of male fish
all that combine should see what loos like a shallow wound heal rapidly
i sometimes swab directly across the wound to remove bacterial/fungal colonies with a cotton bud dipped into broad spectrum medication
ulceration that is not due to trauma could be a totally different scenario
Wed Oct 10, 2007, 07:12 AM
Thanks Andrew,
I have Isolated her into a hospital tank which i did a water change on Monday just gone, so lucky it is clean water in time for her.
I have aided the healing process with some Pimafix & hope that will do the job.
Thank for your reply Andrew all help is much appreciated.
Cheers all,
Bubbles aka Karen
Wed Oct 10, 2007, 09:35 AM
Hi Bubbles, I am in Preston if you need something more than pimafix, I have meth blue and some antibacterial tabs of Aqua-cycline.
Mick and Michelle at Rayonne on Plenty road are pretty helpful too if you are looking for meds. They can usually point you in the right direction.
Wed Oct 10, 2007, 11:12 AM
Hi Bubbles, I am in Preston if you need something more than pimafix, I have meth blue and some antibacterial tabs of Aqua-cycline.
Mick and Michelle at Rayonne on Plenty road are pretty helpful too if you are looking for meds. They can usually point you in the right direction.Hey sammigold,
Nice to meet you.
We are in bundoora which is just around the corner.
I love Mick & Michelle, Amanda & Ricky they are good value, my son Jakes was working Rayonne Aquarium for a while & he will probably start back there after xmas.
We have known all there for a few years now, we get our live Brine Shrimp from them.
Thanks so much for your offer of assistance sammigold, that's very kind of you - unfortunately we lost our female at about 6.30 tonight :(
It all went down hill when I moved her into the hospital tank.
Thanks again.
Bubbles aka Karen
P.S - I Love Fleetwood Mac :)
Wed Oct 10, 2007, 12:29 PM
I am so sorry that you lost your lady. More often than not the hospital tank has been the death tank at our house. They dont seem to cope with the stress of the move.
Yeah, they're all good value at Rayonne. I'm there quite a bit for a chin wag.
I always post our gigs in the Amazon lounge so if we are close to Bundoora you will know. Our closest one at the moment will be sunbury in Dec. (Its not that close. lol)
Wed Oct 10, 2007, 01:51 PM
Sorry to hear of your losses.
Let me know if you're unable to locate him a mate, might be able to find one for you.
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