View Full Version : fishroom mould

Thu Oct 04, 2007, 01:49 PM
Not sure where to post this,

I was wondering if others have mould in their fishrooms. Is this stuff dangerous, like the toxic mould they have in the US.

Reason I ask, is I'm thinking about moving my tanks into the shed, but with mould already a bit of an issue in the bathroom, how can I avoid this with all the constant heat and humidity (especially with discus).

Can I tape plastic sheeting over the foam insulation and leave it like that? (assuming mould doesn't grow on plastic). Should I run some sort of room heating intermittently to dry out the air? I'm not too sure.


Thu Oct 04, 2007, 02:37 PM
The mould - yes it would be the same stuff and just as bad for you... Though given how your snakes, bugs, jellies, mollusks, etc... seem to have a talent for being extra deadly, your moulds might be worse :)

The ONLY thing that I know of to keep mould from growing is to have good ventilation, possibly supplemented with a dehumidifier, and that's about it. The moulds will grow on pretty much anything; in plastic, under plastic, on insulation. They're pretty versatile and once they show up in abundance, getting rid of them can be a pain.

Fri Oct 05, 2007, 08:01 AM
a ventilation fan built into one of the walls should take of your mould issue. A lot cheaper to run than a de humidifier

Fri Oct 05, 2007, 11:00 PM
I run a small fan that sucks the air from the room ,it is set on a timer and runs 15 min every two hours .9 months so far and there is no mold problem so far .


Sat Oct 06, 2007, 12:14 PM
Lyn, a Discus breeding friend of mine, had mould problems in her fish room until she placed a heater in the room. Once she started heating the room (hopefully to diminish the power bills of running an array of aquarium heaters) the mould growth ceased. The heater used an an oil coil / bar heater type.