View Full Version : overstocked???

Mon Sep 24, 2007, 05:34 AM
hi all...just some opinions please. a friend of mine( i swear it's not me! :) ) has a 6x2x2 tank.in it he has - 18 discus, 6 german blue rams, about 10 cories, 3 small clown loaches and about 6 catfish- oh, and i think it's 3 otos as well. i reckon that's too many fish, but he hasn't had any problems with fish loss etc. he reckons that doing 2 60% water changes per week and having good filtration allows this many fish, or even more, which he's thinking of getting. what do people here think? its also a heavily planted tank.

Mon Sep 24, 2007, 06:40 AM
if his tank is propperly balanced and hes doing all the work theres no reason he cant have 18 adult discus in a 6x2x2, the other small fish dont really count while tehy're small and at discus temps some wont reach adult size.

Dad has 8 adult discus in a 160L all 5-9 years old, each grown up from a 50c size.

With excellent husbandry you can overstock and over feed, with excellent results but you NEED to put in the work, and its ALOT of work.

Mon Sep 24, 2007, 07:06 AM
oh, ok....still don't think i'd go that high, but i could probably go a few more in my tank then

Mon Sep 24, 2007, 09:42 AM
It's ALOT of work, dads is a very thin layer of gravel and he does BIG changes with rainwater. he also has 2 eheim 2217s on that tank.