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View Full Version : Discus with bad eye :( [Warning: Gruesome Pics]

Thu Sep 20, 2007, 02:30 PM
Below images show one of my four Discus with a bad eye. Does it look like popeye?

The four Discus have been in the tank about a month, the other three seem to have settled in quite well. All four were quite active until this one went into hiding with this bad eye.

I've been trying to get some clearer photos but he's hiding most of the time.

Any thoughts or plans on what I should do? I don't have a dedicated hospital tank but am looking up how best to set one up (in a hurry).

http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/852/img6609gh2.th.jpg (http://img514.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img6609gh2.jpg)
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Thu Sep 20, 2007, 11:49 PM
if you dont have a hospital tank use a big bucket with a heater and air stone. I'd try some protozin on that fish first.

Fri Sep 21, 2007, 12:22 AM
Its hard to tell from the photos, but it doesnt look like pop eye. It looks more like an injury that has got a fungus growing on it.

Is that white growth of a fluffy like texture? like cottonwool? If so it is probably a fungus.

is it possible to get a closer photo with more definition...?

Protozin or another brand of fungus treatment if you are unable to get protozin will definitely help if that is the case.

Fri Sep 21, 2007, 03:06 AM
Does look more like cotton wool - would you recommend isolating while treating with proto?

I will try for better shots if he comes out, I've got the camera sitting next to the tank in anticipation.

Fri Sep 21, 2007, 03:26 AM
Yes I would isolate the fish for treatment.

It's pretty advanced, so the sooner you can get onto the treatment, the better.

By the looks of things, he may have already lost the sight in that eye.

Sun Sep 23, 2007, 12:59 PM
An update, I've got him in a hospital tank now. Got a chance to get some better pics with it, am still trying to track down some Protozin to treat with but at the moment he's just got very clean water and seems active enough.

Anyone able to help with a more firm diagnosis?

http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/4986/img6649ir0.th.jpg (http://img522.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img6649ir0.jpg)
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Sun Sep 23, 2007, 01:45 PM
It actually looks worse than before.

There are deep holes all over the head and and the mouth is red and infected too.

You can try some antibiotics but I think you may have left treatment too late.

If you can't get any medication, at least put some cooking salt in the water. Two heaped teaspoons per 40 litres, and gradually increase the dose till you have 4 heap teaspoons per 40 litres.

It's a fairly strong dose, but your fish needs more than just clean water to get rid of the infection.

Sun Sep 23, 2007, 01:58 PM
am still trying to track down some Protozin to treat with but at the moment

why ? probably have a better chance with a broad spectrum antibiotic. tetracycline should be readily available at most lfs'. I'd treat it for 10 days at least.

Andrew (fishgeek) will probably have a better option.

Sun Sep 23, 2007, 02:22 PM
where are you located? if your in syd i've proably got some drugs that will help.

Sun Sep 23, 2007, 03:04 PM
Am in SW Sydney near liverpool, in the CBD daily.

I was after protozin as I thought it was just a fungus as it was more like cotton wool - was hard to see without having separated the fish.

I'm doubtful of my chances of saving him, but he looks okay so far, still quite active and eating but it looks painful.

I'll ask the LFS about some broad spectrum anti-antibiotics then.

Tue Sep 25, 2007, 11:44 PM
Hi duckeo, He probably has fungus as well as a secondary bacterial infection from the wound. The bacterial infection is the most important thing to treat at the moment The Antibiotics will be necessary to treat that infection and the salt should help with the fungus side of things as well.

Hope he improves.

Thu Oct 04, 2007, 08:19 AM
how is your fish.? any updates...?