View Full Version : Breeding Photos

Thu Sep 20, 2007, 01:22 PM
Below are photos from my latest spawn(s). A forum member picked up my juniors which left my 4ft bare with my albino corydoras. So I took this opportunity to drop the temperature and within a day had approx 100 eggs on the glass.

To prevent them being eaten and to simplify my feeding routine I transferred the pair to my Discus breeding tank....

The next day the pair was laying their second batch of eggs, below is a picture clearly show the female's larger breeding tube. The male turned almost black, really dramatic colours. The pair are maturing well but they are still young, this spawn had over 150 eggs.

This time round I added no methelene blue, hoping that the pair would pick off the fungused eggs, this didn't happen but still approximately 90 hatched.

However they lasted about 1 day. I think the catfish in the breeding tank may need to go for next time but the pair are doing well, recovering from the loss of the wrigglers and are about ready to try it all again ....


Thu Sep 20, 2007, 01:24 PM
more pics

Thu Sep 27, 2007, 09:33 AM
Great photos. Love the colour of that male :P

Fri Oct 12, 2007, 01:57 PM
Great Photos also love the male! what are they laying on?

Sun Oct 14, 2007, 01:57 PM
I silicone glued three tiles together so that they formed a free standing vertical triangular structure. Different colours were used to see if there was a preference. Lately the pair have chosen to lay on the silicone glue rather than the flat surfaces ...

Wed Oct 24, 2007, 08:12 PM
I used red brick pieces for my angels and have now cut pvc for them. this reduces the risk of my tanks breaking. I plan to use that for when I start breeding discus.