View Full Version : treatment follow up

Thu Sep 13, 2007, 06:07 PM
Hello to everyone:

I am new to this forum but have already learned a lot, i just wish I had joined earlier! My problem is the following: I have a heavily planted tank with 6 juvenile discus, two of which were added recently and I suspect them to be the culprits. Prior to adition of these fish 16 days ago, I had two spawns in the tank and all fish were fine.

Within 48 hours after addition of the 2 new discus, one of my blue diamonds showed a tiny white spot on the lateral line. Gone in the evening and fish eats and acts normal. However, next day this discus is almost black and cowers in the corner of the aquarium refusing to eat (at this point I was concerned about discus plague). I performed a 40% water change, replaced partially with RO to get the pH down and started treating with Metro. Wirthin the first 12 hours two more fish stopped eating and developed signs of disease. I continued the treatment (30% water change and addition of fresh metro) for a total of 4 days. Att this time, all but one of the fish have completely recovered, are back to normal activity level, color and eat well. The only problem is the blue diamond which was the first patient. this fish started to develop slime and shedded some of the skin. Right now his color is back to normal and actually took a little bit of food, but still hiding and reduced activity.

I have discontinued treatment for 36 hours by now and here is my question: the LFS suggests to repeat the treatment for a total of 3 times every other day, to stop and repeat after a week to eradicate the parasites. What are your thoughts, how would you continue? I am also concerned that this is not due to just one organism but that my fish might harbor some worms as left overs from fish that passed on a while ago.

Thu Sep 13, 2007, 11:31 PM
i'd repeat the treatment again, what dosage of metro are you using?

after that, I'd start worming.

Fri Sep 14, 2007, 02:49 AM
I did 400 mg Metro per 10 Gallon of water every day with 30% water change before adding fresh medication. Would you continue with the treatment right away (after a 2 day break if I continue tomorrow) or wait for a full week as the LGS suggested? Also, what type of dewormer would be the best?

Today the sick little one is eating a bit again and his color is better, not as dark anymore but there are still some blemishes to the skin (although those appear to heal).

Fri Sep 14, 2007, 04:08 AM
I'D give it maybe 3 days with a good water change, then repeat 400mg/10gal is a bit low i'd use 250mg/5gal(20L) as a minimum but your dose seemed to work ok, if hes eating again, try mixing a bit in with the food. as for worming i'd use levimenisole and prazi, both treatments are stickyed in the illness & medications section



Sat Sep 15, 2007, 04:15 AM
He is eating some food and tries to catch up with the other discus, a little bit slow due to weakness, though. Mixing with food is what I did successfully in the past, now they've learned and spit out the medicated food ...

Thanks for your reply and I hope i will not visit this section of the forum any time soon!