View Full Version : Discus boxing match

Tue Sep 11, 2007, 11:03 AM
Has anyone ever seen discus go toe to toe with each other? I have just seen two of my discus, one is slightly newer to the tank than the other and also bigger, have a full blown go at each other. both held there own. Usually the smaller on is dominant as it was there first, but this time they just pecked each other front on. is this normal? I have seen plenty of chasing around but never a stand-off so far.

scott bowler
Tue Sep 11, 2007, 11:44 AM
hi metal man yep normal they are seeing who is the boss . they will bite each other and even lip lock witch might thow a bit of water on the floor , but at the end of it all they will work it out .some time s it may go on for a while if it gets to bad you may have to move one of them for a while . they usually dont do any real harm,but there is the timeswhen it might so just keep an eye on them,i hope they sort it mate good luck scott

Fri Sep 14, 2007, 06:50 AM
hehe i had the same prob. and still now they are still fighting! but no harm was done so far... only pushing and chasing around the tank! just watch out for any serious type of injury! peace! :P