View Full Version : Just a lil update on how things are looking

Sun Sep 09, 2007, 09:44 PM
I just finished a water change and rescape yesterday, and given what I have gone through, things dont look too bad. CO2 is still off, and has been for a lil bit now. I put up the old blue background.....shows off the algae well! haha :roll: Im only using my 1x96 watt 6700K bulb right now....10 hours a day

Got a good bit of my plants in moms tank, since co2 is off...they are gonna be huge when I get them back! hahaha :wink:

Fish still act a lil funny, but much less "flashing" going on lately....mostly the big pigeon and the ocean have been hanging in the front left corner..."shaking" at the corner of glass...doesnt look like a healthy "shake" but Im letting things go for a lil, and just seeing what happens

Temp is about 85...airstone is still on

Suggestions are welcomed :D


My try at "aquascaping" :P I just clumped all my rotala, diandra, and ammania together with the big sword in the back. Looks OK in person...I like the NICE looking stem of ammania right in the middle of the bunch :lol:


I like the riccia attached to the driftwood....using ALGAE! hahaha :P


Green hairy "clumps" of algae coming out of the substrate wrapped up in my glosso :?: Same stuff is still on my driftwood :? You can see a nice bright green new leaf on my marble sword in the back :)


Turk....always hiding :roll:

Thanks :D

Mon Sep 10, 2007, 02:54 AM
Eric, the fish look wonderful. Happy and healthy !

Aquascaping looks great. Once the plants start growing, they will overtake the algae, so don't be too concerned.

But it's already looking good.

Mon Sep 10, 2007, 03:59 AM
I like the riccia attached to the driftwood....using ALGAE!

thats my trick :wink:

Mon Sep 10, 2007, 07:50 AM
the fish are looking good Eric. imo u need to put a lot more plants in there and they will eat up any excess nutrients, even if it's just a temporary thing. wisteria and hygro are good plants for this...

Mon Sep 10, 2007, 01:08 PM
Thanks everyone :)

When I said about the fish doing weird "shaking" stuff in the front left hand corner...I meant the front right hand corner, and the small pigeon still flicks on stuff, and I saw the poor turk do it on my driftwood too...I hope things calm down shortly...Im still waiting on a rhinox2000 diffuser to arrive, and then I will slowly turn co2 back on in there...and hopefully the lower pH from the co2 will help them a lil bit....they do eat pretty well tho

All of them are fighting a good bit too lately! The small pigeon thinks he can take on the ocean and the big pigeon, and the big pigeon and the ocean go mouth to mouth.....and they all pretty much let the turk have it whenever he comes out for anything....hopefully that calms down too!

Eric, the fish look wonderful. Happy and healthy !

Aquascaping looks great. Once the plants start growing, they will overtake the algae, so don't be too concerned.

But it's already looking good.

Thank Merrilyn :) I hope they are happy and healthy

thats my trick

I didnt even try that! lol! The riccia did it on its own! Im leaving it alone for now tho!

the fish are looking good Eric. imo u need to put a lot more plants in there and they will eat up any excess nutrients, even if it's just a temporary thing. wisteria and hygro are good plants for this...

Thanks Rob :) Im waiting for the rhinox2000 to arrive, and then I will slowly turn the co2 back on, and once things seem ok, I have a good bit of plants in moms tank that I will get back and stuff in there....those tiger lotus plants are prolly coming out...I would like to try to hide that intake tube in the back right corner

Thanks again everyone! Im hoping things go well this time around

Tue Sep 11, 2007, 02:12 PM
Soooo....I was concerned about the big pigeon and the small pigeon doing this "shaking" in the front right hand corner of the tank, and I was concerned as to why the small pigeon was fighting soooo much with the ocean green....well....

The big pigeon and the small pigeon have still been hanging out in the front right hand corner

However....about 10 mins or so before the lights went out for the night last night...I saw the big pigeon slowly going up the glass with his belly region against the glass!!! So I guess all the "shaking" and what not was actually the big pigeon "biting" at the glass and cleaning it!! Sooo..does that mean my big pigeon is a female? It looks like she has her tube out...but its not where I thought it was going to be based on some pics and stuff I saw on this forum...its more around her pooper?

Im going to try to snap some pics today when I get home from work! I feel much better with things now after seeing that!

Any recommendations on how to go about my normal water change tomorrow? Should I clean the glass in that area...to remove any algae, or just leave that side alone for a lil?

Thanks very much!

Tue Sep 11, 2007, 02:53 PM
That all depends on if you wake up to find eggs on the glass LOL

See Eric, they really do love their tank, and sick fish don't breed, so that means your fish are happy and healthy................................and they just proved it :P

Tue Sep 11, 2007, 03:14 PM
Thanks Merrilyn :D No eggs on the glass this morning, but hopefully she is still doing it when I get home, so I can get some pics....she doesnt seem very interested in food ATM, but I guess thats to be expected?

See Eric, they really do love their tank, and sick fish don't breed, so that means your fish are happy and healthy................................and they just proved it

It looks like you are correct! IM SOOOO GLAD! I feel so much better now!! Im so glad they let me know things are going well....for once! Sometimes thats all I need....just a lil sign!

I appreciate everyones help and encouragement throughout my mess! Now im going to be afraid to turn my co2 back on tho :P I will keep you guys updated on how things go...Im supposed to do my water change tomorrow, so this may get interesting....my fishies may try to eat me while im cleaning now! lol :lol:


Wed Sep 12, 2007, 12:56 AM
No action going on since Ive been home :( so no pics to post :(

Updated tank parameters are:

nitrate=0 (this is a first for me! and prolly why they acted like they wanted to lay eggs last night....)
phosphate=1.0 (the lowest Ive ever seen this :) )


Wed Sep 12, 2007, 01:30 AM
Nice fish. How big is your tank and what is the temperature at?


Wed Sep 12, 2007, 05:16 AM
They can play around with the cleaning bit for days or sometimes even weeks before they actually lay eggs. It's all pretty normal.

Main thing, it means that your tank parameters are perfect, and the fish are happy.

Just keep doing your normal waterchanges and cleaning. If they're determined to spawn, nothing will stop them.

Wed Sep 12, 2007, 01:15 PM
Thanks JamezMan :D

Nice fish. How big is your tank and what is the temperature at?

My tank is 46gallon (175L) Temp ranges from 85-86F (29C-30C)....im working on bringing this back down to 84F (28C)

Thanks Merrilyn :D

They can play around with the cleaning bit for days or sometimes even weeks before they actually lay eggs. It's all pretty normal.

Main thing, it means that your tank parameters are perfect, and the fish are happy.

Just keep doing your normal waterchanges and cleaning. If they're determined to spawn, nothing will stop them.

If I see them at it again, the camera is out and waiting! lol! Im glad they are doing well now...makes me feel better, and more encouraged to keep trying things

I will do my normal water change, and see if they getting "pissy" if I go near their corner....I was "touching" the ocean green last night while feeding your beefheart mix and he didnt seem to mind! :D

Thanks again everyone! :D

Wed Sep 12, 2007, 01:18 PM
One more thing....since my nitrates are at 0ppm....should I dose KNO3 without CO2 being on? I dont want to get BGA...Ive never seen them at 0 before.....


Wed Sep 12, 2007, 04:10 PM
Hey Erk

How do you get your nitrates to zero in a planted tank?

Wed Sep 12, 2007, 04:24 PM
Thanks Nicholas76, I dunno how it happened...I havent dosed any ferts in about 2 weeks, cause I was medicating for Ich. Ive never had them down to zero before....no BGA or anything.

Could have been my APC test kit....its been around for prolly over 7months, and I highly doubt there is enough "juice" left in both bottles to do another test (10 drops each bottle)

So I should add some KNO3 then?

Thanks again! :D

Thu Sep 13, 2007, 01:33 PM
I received some new plants in the mail yesterday, so I have some new pics :D

Still nothing going on as far as the spawning goes :? :roll:

Hope you like


This is the corner both pigeons seem to like :)


Again with the corner....but no more "runs" up the glass :roll:


My turk about to get beat on :x


No he is running away....like always :x


Thats HM in the front right corner....I dunno how to plant it, so it forms a nice bush :?:

Suggestions are greatly appreciated

Thanks :D

Fri Sep 14, 2007, 12:57 PM
I added the macro ferts on wednesday night after my water change. Yesterday when I got home from work, I added some excel, since my co2 isnt on, and the micro fert mix......and that was it. The excel was one capful (small bottle) per 50 gallons, and I added one capful only...I was hoping to work on getting them used to have co2/excel....I think my rhinox2000 will be here today or tomorrow, and I was planning to hook it up and turn co2 back on in my big tank at a slow bubble rate

I saw the small pigeon having some major "flashing" issues, the big pigeon was flashing, and so was the turk :(

Has anyone else ever notice their discus acting funny after dosing ferts or excel? Does Excel go bad? I dont think Ive had the bottle for that long

No more spawning behavior :(

Temp is 84-85....nothing else changed, except the addition of those plants and ferts and the excel dose....airstone is still on


Wed Sep 19, 2007, 12:01 AM
SURPRISE!! :D :D not eggs, but for me.....close enough! :D been a lil over a week I think since I saw this last, and never got a pic then


They have been going at it again! AGAIN! hahaha...right before my water change....gotta feed the beefheart mix(hands in the tank) lots of plants arriving tomorrow.....and now this??!!! hahaha :D

Some bad pics of the tubes


Can you guys tell male or female?? Big pigeons is out way further then the small pigeons, cant really see a shape to it tho.....dunno how close I can get either :oops: :roll:

Im so excited! Just turned co2 back on last night at one bubble per second, airstone on, co2 off at nighttime....guess they do like a slightly lower pH....today was there first full day of co2 on at that rate from 11am to 9pm. When i hooked the co2 up last night at that rate, I left the airstone on, but set it to start it normal on off cycle today when it shut off...so on tonight at 12midnight, and off tomorrow at 10am :thumb

Any suggestions on how to go about the water change, and planting my million plants coming tomorrow??

Thanks again :D

Wed Sep 19, 2007, 12:31 AM
I think the big pigeon is female...she is laying one or two eggs at a time on the glass, and then the small pigeon comes and eats them right away :evil: lol


Wed Sep 19, 2007, 02:20 AM
I think your male might still be a bit youg to get the job done right, still mate well done, your tank and fish look great, i still love that ocean green, told you it would grow into a nice fish.

Wed Sep 19, 2007, 02:24 PM
Thanks ILLUSN :D

I think your male might still be a bit youg to get the job done right, still mate well done, your tank and fish look great, i still love that ocean green, told you it would grow into a nice fish.

Yeah I agree...he does seem too young, and my big pigeon seems to like the ocean just like the rest of us! hahaha :lol:

You def. called it tho...the ocean is a very nice looking fish! I only hope now that the turk is a female, and that she puts some weight on :roll:

Thanks again! :D Should I just go about my business of doing my water change and planting all these plants that are coming today then? I also was thinking of fitting my new inline heater today :?:


Wed Sep 19, 2007, 11:55 PM
just do what you have to i think it will take your new pair a good 5 or 6 more spawns and at least 2-3 months before you get wrigglers (in decent numbers).

till then you dont have to worry about disturbing them.

darren burgess
Thu Sep 20, 2007, 01:04 AM
love the tank looks great,and your fish look very happy !


Thu Sep 20, 2007, 01:04 PM
Thanks ILLUSN :D

just do what you have to i think it will take your new pair a good 5 or 6 more spawns and at least 2-3 months before you get wrigglers (in decent numbers).

till then you dont have to worry about disturbing them.

They didnt seem to have a problem with me in there last night, so thats cool! I switched out light bulbs...I now have a 6700K/10000K dual daylight bulb on from 1-10pm and a second 10000K only bulb comes on from 4-7pm, then back to the dual daylight for the remainder of the photoperiod

Looks really good! IMO! Do you think it would be ok to tackle the installation of the inline heater this weekend, with the discus doing what they are doing based on what you say, and with them not being ready to get things going for real?

Thanks darren burgess

love the tank looks great,and your fish look very happy !


That means a lot to me! Im glad they are coming around and letting me know they are happy! Its been a lil bit of a rough road for me! I think i have a good setup going now

Pics to follow in one minute! lol

Thanks again everyone :D

Thu Sep 20, 2007, 01:10 PM
yeah mate get it all done now before they get too finiky, time to let your wife know you need a breeding tank! hope she takes it better then mine did.

Thu Sep 20, 2007, 01:13 PM
Cool! Thanks ILLUSN! I will do that this weekend :D

I doubt she is going to take it very well ATM....we are quickly running of room for any baby stuff! lol! Im still hoping the turk is a female, cause I think the ocean is a male...his tube looks like the small pigeons tube, and the big lady used to hang out and hide with the turk all the time in the past :?: I will prolly have a bunch of black peppered pigeons if I was to try to raise some pigeons...just the way my luck is...they would be fat, but prolly pretty peppered up! hahaha

Thanks again! Im uploading the pics to photobucket now :wink:

Thu Sep 20, 2007, 01:18 PM
dont worry too much about it. peppering isn't all bad all REAL pigions are peppered, just tell that to anyone who puts them down.

Thu Sep 20, 2007, 01:20 PM
New plants yesterday...so new pics again! :D

Hope you like!


Sunset Hygro


Dunno what that "shiny" plant is behind the big pigeon??


Rotala Vietnam & Eriocaulon setaceum


Tonina Belem :D & Alternanthera reineckii Rosaefolia behind the rotala indica


Any suggestions are appreciated! Does anyone think I will have a problem with my tonina? It "waves in the wind" pretty good in that spot :?

Thanks! :D

Thu Sep 20, 2007, 01:24 PM
Thanks for the tip ILLUSN! :D

I will remember the tip about them being peppered if anyone every says anything....although my trials at breeding will prolly be a good ways off yet anyways

I do think I will try my hand at it one day....sounds like a lot of work, but sounds like it would be so fun to try to raise some babies! :D

Thanks again! :D

Fri Sep 21, 2007, 01:28 PM
Just snapped a couple pics last night, while BOTH lights were on


When I changed up my timers for the lights the other night, I forgot to change the co2 timer....so the co2 comes on 2 hours before lights, and off an hour before lights off

Thanks :D

Fri Sep 21, 2007, 01:41 PM
Hmm...the lighting doesnt look much different in the pics

Updated tank parameters towards the end of the night last night

pH=6.6 (with co2 on)


Thanks :D

Fri Sep 21, 2007, 01:41 PM
looking good Eric, u have some really nice plants there :wink:
u might want to put the tonina back a bit cause in my tank it grows pretty tall, i love the look of it though and it seems to grow pretty good in discus conditions...

Fri Sep 21, 2007, 01:45 PM
Thanks Rob! :D I cant wait for them to grow up some!

I really like that plant! I have two stems in my nano, and 3 stems in this tank.....it may come out of the nano before too long!

I hope it grows tall! Have you figured out how to propagate it yet?

Tomorrow is water change day, so I may slide it somewhere else....not sure yet...its pretty tiny still?

Im glad they do well for you, and with the temp of discus tanks


Sat Sep 22, 2007, 01:44 AM
to propagate it Eric just cut where u want and replant, probably do mine today if i get time as i want to get a nice bush of it going.
i would leave ur's for a few days now and let it get established and grow a bit then if u want to move it do it then...

Sat Sep 22, 2007, 02:02 PM
Thanks Rob! I will let it b for a lil bit.....a good bit of the newest plants are looking very good ATM some already look bigger then they did on wednesday when I got them :D

Thu Sep 27, 2007, 01:28 PM
Did my normal water change last night, and cleaned the glass for a change :P :lol: Did a lil trim and replant of some of the plants

I was taking these pics around the last feed of the evening before lights off, and im sorry the fish are in the way! hahaha :lol: :P It was nice to see the turk out and about for a change...I think he/she feels more comfy with the addition of all these new plants


My rotala vietnam is doing very well! Looks bigger every day!

Suggestions are appreciated...I do have some ideas now, but Im waiting for things to grow in more.....for a change! hahaha

Thanks very much everyone :D

Thu Sep 27, 2007, 01:38 PM
Oh yeah....no more heater inside the tank! 8-) :D

I really like the inline heater! It works great! I love not seeing the big shiny silver heater inside the tank


Thu Sep 27, 2007, 01:52 PM
ur tanks looking great Eric, looks like all the hard work and research uv'e done is starting to pay off. well done

Thu Sep 27, 2007, 01:56 PM
Thanks very much Rob! Im glad it seems like Im turning the corner with it now....finally! lol

I do have some plans on what I wanna slide around, but Im waiting for things to grow in a bit more first

I havent even played with any of my riccia yet :wink:

Some plants will prolly get removed, and I would like to try to get my glosso to do something on the right half of the tank :roll:

Thanks very much tho! I appreciate the compliments...and you were a big help with me getting to this point :thumb

Fri Oct 05, 2007, 01:45 PM
Took a few more shots last night.....yes those are some eggs on the glass :D :lol:


The female and her new friend......


Actually got a good bit of eggies on the glass for a change.....the ocean does eat them as well tho :evil: I was up to about 15 eggs at one point, then 15mins later....all gone :roll: hahaha

Thanks :D

Fri Oct 05, 2007, 06:05 PM
ur tanks coming on great Erik, good to see http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/KharmaKazi/thumb.gif
and looks like ur getting some really good growth now too .
congrats on the eggs too, i have a cpl of fish that do that too, one lays the eggs and another is eating them as the other is laying them, it's very annoying !

P.S. whats the white round tube floating ?

Fri Oct 05, 2007, 06:17 PM
Thanks very much Rob

Yes, most of the plants are doing well, and growing well for me now! Finally! Im very happy to see it....I just turned co2 up a smidge last night, so hopefully things will do even better soon!

congrats on the eggs too, i have a cpl of fish that do that too, one lays the eggs and another is eating them as the other is laying them, it's very annoying !

Thanks! Its great to see...makes me feel like Im doing something right! How do you get them to stop eating the eggs? I guess they just "grow" out of it eventually? I really enjoy watching the big girl do her "runs" RIGHT ON THE FRONT GLASS! Hahaha...its great!

P.S. whats the white round tube floating ?

That is a piece from my surface skimmer


I have the "75"

I didnt know that piece was going to be like that :? Hopefully the plants will hide that soon enough :wink:

Thanks again :D

Sun Oct 07, 2007, 08:15 AM
i have a feeling it's another female that is eating the eggs cause sh'e s cross that the other is laying lol.
the fish that eats the eggs was wanting to pair up with the heckle male but the heckle cross wont let her near it and is a very angry fish

Tue Oct 09, 2007, 01:14 PM
Thanks Rob, Im hoping the turk that always hides in the back is a female, but I think the only female is the big orange pigeon

Did a nice trim yesterday, and played with getting some riccia on my driftwood...Im anxious for things to fill back in

Tue Oct 09, 2007, 01:44 PM
look forward to seeing some updates Erichttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/KharmaKazi/thumb.gif

Tue Oct 09, 2007, 01:49 PM
Will do! I think I will wait until my next water change, so I can clean the outside of the front glass first :wink: :P and hopefully things will be a lil more filled in then

I do my water changes once every 5 days now

Thanks :D

Sun Oct 14, 2007, 08:19 PM
They still like eachother, but I havent had much baby makin goin on lately :roll:


And my ocean has a tail!



I have some updated tank shots coming too! :D


Sun Oct 14, 2007, 09:40 PM
Some tank shots as promised :D





Looking through left side wall for the most part....


Ammania G doing well...you can maybe see a lil bit of pearling :wink: :P


my drop checker showing a nice green color....im about 2 maybe 2.5 bps

Any finally a close up of my lil project....




Things are going well....but it doesnt really pearl :?

Suggestions are appreciated

Thanks very much:D

Sat Oct 20, 2007, 02:30 PM
A bunch of eggs on my glass this time...but they all got eaten before too long :twisted: :roll:


Got a UV sterilizer yesterday that needs hooked up soon! Today is water change day, but I dont think im ready to hook this thing up today. I would like to get a new bulb for it, and for some reason it doesnt look like the barbs for it will fit my hose diameter properly :(


Fri Oct 26, 2007, 04:16 PM
the tank and fish are looking really good Eric, u have some great growth happening now too :wink:
one of my blue diamonds has a fin the same as ur's too.
with ur UV u should be able to get an adaptor from a hardware shop etc to either make the barb smaller or larger IE : 12mm to 16mm " 1/2' - 5/8' "
did u get the UV second hand ? with UV units the globes should be changed approx every 6mths...

Fri Oct 26, 2007, 05:39 PM
Thanks Rob! :D :D :lol: Nice to see you! :P

The growth with the plants and fish are going pretty well now...finally! Im still learning stuff with the plants, and Im getting harder to keep plants, but things are going well now. Only have some BBA for the most part on my AR Reneckii(sp?)

I will be making changes tomorrow during my water change, and hopefully things will really be taking off afterwards. I still owe you a pearling pic! :wink: :lol: :P I could get some now, but its kinda cheapy, cause the only stuff that really pearls is right next to my diffuser, but hopefully next week things will be different :wink:

I like the oceans "tail"! Its nice that for the most part all four of my discus are different, and unique in their own way!

Yes, my UV is second hand, and I plan on replacing the bulb/globe before it ever gets hooked up...if that happens! haha! Thanks for the tip about the hardware store...I may it to my LFS and to a hardware store this weekend, and see what I can do

Thanks again :D

Wed Nov 14, 2007, 12:58 AM
Couple updates! I had a very busy weekend! Made lots of "good" changes, and really tried to attack that algae

Heres the overall shot


So far so good!!


Rotala Mac


Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'Cuba'


Ammannia G


:wink: :lol:

Im still working on things, and I think I may make a change in lighting

Any comments or suggestions are appreciated

Thanks very much as always!

Wed Nov 14, 2007, 01:02 AM
Damn....sorry about the same pic twice

here is the other one I wanted to post


Limnophilia aromatica

Thanks :D

Wed Nov 14, 2007, 07:10 AM
very nice Eric. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/KharmaKazi/thumb.gif
it's pearling, it's pearling !!! lol :)
very nice riccia growth and some nice looking plants...

Wed Nov 14, 2007, 01:47 PM
Thanks Rob! Yes finally I got things to pearl a lil bit! :P :lol:

I hope the plants will color up a bit more, but we will see...I may get some T5s and do a DiY lighting fixture with some help from one of my buddies

I will keep you posted :D

Thanks again

Wed Nov 14, 2007, 10:36 PM
nice work Erk!
looking back at how your fish started, you've done so well, tank and fish look fantastic!
keep the photos comming.

Limnophilia aromatica is a great looking plant!

Wed Nov 14, 2007, 11:46 PM
Thanks very much ILLUSN! It has been a bit of a rollercoaster! Im glad to see things these days

I think the L aromatica is my fav. plant!!

Here are two more shots of it


And I tried to get a more close up shot of the riccia....the pearling is so tiny! :lol:


Im working on some different lighting....but I will def. keep the photos coming :thumb

Thanks again! :D

Wed Nov 21, 2007, 02:30 PM
Couple new shots, using my buds nice camera again :wink:

Here are some overall shots of the tank







My glosso...finally starting to "lay" down



My riccia project....needs a trim!! lol


My favorite plant


Now a pearling shot for Rob! :wink:


Im working on new lighting....tank looks dark in some areas :(


Wed Nov 21, 2007, 10:15 PM

Very jealous, all the plants look amazing!, especially the ricca!

glosso still needs more light though :wink:

Wed Nov 21, 2007, 11:07 PM
Thanks very much ILLUSN!! :D

My riccia will be getting a haircut on saturday when I do my next water change....it def. does grow in quick now a days!!

I think its going to be about 2 weeks out or so until I get around to new lighting :? I agree...the glosso will look really good then! Im just glad to see it laying down for the most part now

Thanks again!! Im really happy to see things going the way they are :D

Thu Nov 22, 2007, 06:54 AM
ur tank and "fish" are looking great Eric, congrats on getting a handle on things.

cheers for the pearling shot lol :wink:

Thu Nov 22, 2007, 03:51 PM
Thanks very much Rob! It has been an adventure to say the least! haha

I appreciate everyones help on this forum!

I will update again when the new lighting is ready to go

Thanks again! :D

Thu Jan 03, 2008, 05:41 PM
Ive made a few changes, and got a new camera!!!

Here are a couple updated shots of how things are going now...I really like this camera too! No more blurry discus shots! hahaha






Thanks very much everyone....still working on T5 lighting, but things are looking good, and I should have that going soon. Im waiting for some erio and tonina species to arrive this weekend, so I will post some new pics again soon

Thanks again :D

Thu Jan 03, 2008, 10:03 PM
Mate they have grown up NICE!!!!!!!
looking good!

Fri Jan 04, 2008, 03:03 PM
Thanks much ILLUSN! I will try to get some shots of your fav ocean green! haha...its just the big pigeon was in the way in most of my shots! haha

They are def. getting pretty big! The turk and smaller white pigeon I believe are stunted, cause the ocean and big pigeon bash them at feeding time, and they are way smaller then the ocean and big pigeon

They all seem healthy to me tho, and thats the important thing...they still lay eggs every once in a while too

Thanks again!!

Mon Jan 07, 2008, 07:11 AM
looking good Eric, jeeze m8 u change ur tank around more than i change my undies :lol:
fish are looking great too http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/KharmaKazi/thumb.gif

Mon Jan 07, 2008, 07:05 PM
Thanks Rob...things have come a long way! ahha...yes, I do change things around often! :lol: Im never satisfied am I? haha :lol:

I think Im learning this new camera, so I will get some updated shots up shortly!

Thanks again :D

Tue Jan 15, 2008, 02:18 PM
wow, what a transformation! i noticed, seeing you had black gravel, your fish didnt have a lot of perrering! mine has lots!! and i have a bare bottom tank but a black background