View Full Version : Hi all, my Albino Turq 1 year on trying to breed

Thu Aug 30, 2007, 03:30 PM
Hi all
Hi all, im from the uk, my Albino Turq iv had just over a year now trying to breed them now :? , hope you like :lol:

Fri Aug 31, 2007, 04:21 AM
Welcome to the forum trickey1.

Lovely fish. Hope you enjoy your time with us.


Fri Aug 31, 2007, 07:28 AM
Thanks for the Welcome :lol:

scott bowler
Fri Aug 31, 2007, 08:00 AM
welcome tricky 1 ou do have very nice Albinos hope they breed for you good luck with it keep us posted , we love pics here so keep them comeing

Fri Aug 31, 2007, 09:36 AM
Thanks scott bowler / Merrilyn and all :lol:
Ill post a full run down of what iv dune up till now, latter today :? love to have some help :?

Fri Aug 31, 2007, 10:33 AM
Thanks for the welcome to the discus forum, thanks for your reply and advice, I can do with all the help I can get at this point in time, it's my 1st try at breeding.
You think its 2 girls in the tank ok, I’ll try and give you a run down on what I’ve done.
When the two discus were in my big tank the big fish that you think is the male was always bickering with one of the pair.
So I thought the 2 that was always with each other was a pair.
Ok, what do you think I have to do now then, I will cover the side's as you said as they can still see each other in the 2 tanks and are standing up to each other.
Ph 6.5
Tds 030
Temp 29.5
40% water change per day (the temp of the tank is 29.5 the water I replace in the tank is 27 as to imitate breeding condition's rain fall).
In the big tank we saw some egg's not a lot but some here and there, the fish were also pecking on the heater, so the 2 fish we saw together we moved them.
The 2 discus have been in the tank now for 12 to 14 days no eggs, but lots of pecking on the cone, and I’ll put more pictures of the 2 discus and the larger discus in my big tank for you to have a better look at.
!!any help on what sex is what!!
!!and what to do next!!
!!are thay 2 girls,do i put them all back together any idea's that will help me :roll:


Fri Aug 31, 2007, 11:05 AM
the heater guard will double up as a fry magnet, so will the black sides of the tanks and the filter. I'd suggest a plain tank with no black corners. remove the filter and heater guard before the fry hatch and put them back when they attach.
albino's can be an absolute pain in the butt to breed, fry grow slowly, die more easily, lots of deformities, more susceptible to disease, very hard to attach, parents don't see that well. You need to have the fry right in the parent's faces,with the black corners around thats where most of your fry will end up. check one of dachoo's posts in the photo album, there is a mini tank with some albino fry in it. Thats the perfect tank for breeding albinos.

Fri Aug 31, 2007, 04:54 PM
Thanks for that samara, if there is any one can tell me what they think the sex of my discus are, that will help, thinking of putting them back in the big tank see if they are together or will pair up with my other discus, :roll:
Help on this idea will be appreciated.
. :?

Sat Sep 01, 2007, 02:03 AM
how many albino's do you have , did you make your own pairs ? or did they pair up on their own ? are you sure they are a pair ?

Sat Sep 01, 2007, 09:35 AM
I have 5 discus Albino Turkq, all 5 was in my 4ft tank 2 was together as I tort was a pair.
Moved the 2 of them to the small tank.
That’s were I am up to now 2 weeks on, no eggs lots of pecking on the cone, :?

Sat Sep 01, 2007, 10:42 AM
i think it would be better to put them back in the display tank till you get eggs and wrigglers, they kind of look like the same sex to me, though its unlikely if they paired off on their own.