View Full Version : why wont my eheim 2026 restart automatically when i prime it

Wed Aug 29, 2007, 12:34 PM
i have had problems with re starting my 2026, its slightly frustrating as the only way i can get it started is to pull apart the intake tubing and fill it with water and then reconnect it again, its not started once with just pressing the priming button, its on my 4x18x18, im puzzled as to why its such a pain and the 2217 is a breeze to get going again, anyone had a similar problem



Wed Aug 29, 2007, 12:40 PM
The cannister must be totally empty of water in order for the priming button to work.

Wed Aug 29, 2007, 12:56 PM
thanks Matt

im going to clean it tomorrow and see how i go , pretty sure its been empty when ive primed it