View Full Version : Discus changing colour.

Mon Aug 27, 2007, 06:59 AM
I have 2 red turks that are always changing from very dark to very bright. When I first got them they were always bright. the both seem healthy and happy apart from there colour, and both eat very well. Is this normal? could it be something to do with change of water conditions from when I got them? I have had them for about 5 weeks. any input would be appriciated. Oh I do a 25% water change every second day and water states are,
PH 7.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5ppm
GH 300ppm

Our tapwater is very hard, Could it be that? One fish was from the gold coast, which I hear has soft water, and the other is from a breeder that has rainwater.

Mon Aug 27, 2007, 07:34 AM
Mine do it to after a big water change, i beleive it's caused by a change in water chemistry. it didn't use to hapen when i used rain water, but i think the change to tap water is causing slight stress to the fish. still an hour or 2 later they seem happy and recently they've started spawning.
Hows your temp? is the new water the same temp as the tankwater? do you age for a full 24hrs before you do a change it?

The best thing I've found to help lessen this is to filter your aging water through mirical leaf, just remember to change it every week or so

Mon Aug 27, 2007, 07:46 AM
Temp is 29 degrees, I have a heater for my aging container, and I age it for 24 hours. It is only the red turks that do it, not my 2 blue diamonds or the red melon. they also are going bright and dark now as we speak!! they seem to be able to switch on and off like a light.

Mon Aug 27, 2007, 07:38 PM
My snakeskin is like that, hes really dark at the moment because ive added 5 chequerboards and she doesnt like it! It could also just be the fish strain, did you buy them from the same breeder?