View Full Version : Pics of bare bottom tanks please?

Fri Aug 24, 2007, 02:27 PM
I was searching on the forum for shots of members tanks where they keep discus in bare bottom tanks, or bare bottom for the most part

I would like to see pics of your setups, if possible

Not for breeding, but for raising...Im thinking about swapping my discus from my planted tank, and setting up a bare bottom for them...I just think it would be easier for me to do everything im trying to do.

My planted tank is too small for them, and I have access to a 50 gallon, and I was thinking of moving the four of them into the bare bottom, and then I can concentrate on growing plants, without having to worry about my fish getting sick....for whatever reason

Thanks very much :)

Fri Aug 24, 2007, 03:56 PM
this is one iv'e just set up a cpl of weeks ago now"4ft"
will take pics of the other tomorrow 4 u...


it's much easier to look after Eric...

Fri Aug 24, 2007, 03:58 PM
Thanks very much Rob!!

I think it may be the way to go!!

Yours looks very nice! I cant wait to check out the other one tomorrow!

I hope to get some really nice pics, so I can help to persuade the lady :wink:

Its her tank, but we dont really have the room for it in our apartment, but I will keep you guys posted!

Thanks again very much! :)

Fri Aug 24, 2007, 04:04 PM
no probs Eric
the other looks pretty much the same but it's 3 ft, no Co2, low light, bugger all algae :)
thinking of maybe setting up the new 700ltr "when i finally get it" as a bare bottom too, to concentrate more on the fish than the plants...
i'm sure u'll fit it in some where Eric :) just tell her it will be relaxing when the baby comes along :)

Fri Aug 24, 2007, 04:08 PM
yeah, def. not planning on co2, other then maybe the occasional excel squirt :wink:

I would like to put a piece of driftwood with some anubias on it....will just a regular plant tube be ok? since it will be the original light fixture, which is only a strip light thing?

I will try to figure out where to stick this thing! lol

Hopefully new updated pics of everything in a lil bit...gotta finish my Ich treatment first! lol

Thanks again!

Fri Aug 24, 2007, 04:13 PM
probably two T8 tubes would be the go if u can but anubius will grow with bugger all light so u might get away with one. i just use two sera plant tubes and getting very good growth and gives the fish a good colour.
i really want some bolbitus for this tank for the middle, but having a hard time getting it...

i'm sure u'll manage to fit it in lol.
look forward to the pics...

Fri Aug 24, 2007, 04:26 PM
Thanks Rob!

I will have to take a good look at what kinda bulbs and how many bulbs I can fit into this strip

I will prolly be back for suggestions when the time comes

I think bolbitus will look good in the middle there! I think I can help with a site?

lemme have a look around quick

Thanks again

Fri Aug 24, 2007, 04:39 PM
damn...sorry...I will keep my eye out tho! I could have sworn somewhere I saw bolbitus for sale and the place shipped internationally

My mother has two of these "bulbs" lol!

good luck, and I will see what I can do

Fri Aug 24, 2007, 05:07 PM
thx for searching Eric, but i will get it locally somewhere sooner or later. i can get it mounted on driftwood but i want some so i can mount it myself.

Sat Aug 25, 2007, 02:04 AM
there's someone on the forum with a "babe bottom" tank, sounds way more interesting. :lol: :lol:

Sat Aug 25, 2007, 01:58 PM
hahahaha....yes very true samir :lol:

do you have any pics of "babe bottom" tanks?? :lol: for raising discus....I know everyone does the bare bottoms for breeding, and you seem to be the master of that, but do you keep your discus in planted tanks, discus besides the breeding pairs?

Thanks :D

Sat Aug 25, 2007, 02:40 PM
here's my 3ft Eric, it's only got small fish in it, breeding pairs of kribs etc, but soon to move them on and get more discus for it...

Sat Aug 25, 2007, 04:22 PM
Thanks very much Rob! I think that was the tank I was thinking of, when I started this thread

Had you posted pics of it in the past??

Looks very nice! Busy as far as wood and plants go, but its very nice, and I would like to do something to that effect in mine, if we do in fact go down this route in a lil bit

Thanks again :D

Sun Aug 26, 2007, 04:45 PM
no probs Eric
i did post a pic a fair while ago but it's changed a bit since then.
i got all the plants for the 4ft out of this one, the java fern grows really well and is always sending off new plants :)

Tue Aug 28, 2007, 02:16 PM
but do you keep your discus in planted tanks, discus besides the breeding pairs?

i try, but i usually rip them up in a week.

Tue Aug 28, 2007, 02:20 PM
hahaha...i can certainly understand why now :roll: :lol:

Im gonna try them in my planted tank one more time after I finish my Ich treatment, and see how it goes...

Next step is either try the bare bottom with the misses 50gallon, or sell them, and try again, when I have a bigger tank to start with

Thanks :D

Tue Aug 28, 2007, 02:32 PM
Ich treatment ??? why ?

Tue Aug 28, 2007, 02:40 PM
I think overall, the tank is too small for them, and they are just gonna be stressed out, and I have a feeling I will be constantly dealing with them getting sick, while I try to grow my plants


I should have grown the plants better in the beginning before adding fish to the tank....its the saying...."if I knew then, what I know now" things would prolly be better off

Its a shame, cause they are very pretty IMO, and have great character, but I think they need a bigger tank, in order for me to do what I wanna do, and thats have a planted discus tank :?

Thanks for asking about them tho....today will be day 11 of treatment when I get home from work