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View Full Version : Constructing Under-Gravel Jets by Marc Elieson

Wed Aug 15, 2007, 02:03 PM
I was reading this link http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/ug_jets.php and thought this sounded a good idea & I'd like to try it out. The guy recommends using a Rio 2100 pump & a MarineLand UG Prefilter kit. He says the smaller Rio pumps aren't practical for fitting the prefilter to, which is a key component to his set-up. I can find some Rio pumps, but nothing called anything like 2100. Nor can I find the MarineLand UG Prefilter kit.

Has anyone tried this out here in Aus, and if yes, what pump & prefilter kits did you find worked for you.

Any tips appreciated.

Cheers & thanks in advance.