Sun Aug 12, 2007, 05:06 AM
Hi all,
Finally have fish in my tank after watching it cycle. One is questionable... will know more when I check them out tomorrow.
pH 7.4, GH 125ppm, KH 40ppm, Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 10ish ppm. Temp 29C.
The tank is a 90 gallon, with some big rocks, a token amount of gravel which gets vacuumed at every water change, a few live epiphitic plants (java fern and a couple other types) and a large piece of driftwood in it. There is a bubbler, but it only comes on at night.
I change 30% of the water every 2-3 days (preheated before adding).
The fish that I have in it are all new
15 rummy nose
15 cardinals
6 ottos
6 sterbai cories
6 snakeskin variants and two red discus (they came home with the cories as I couldn't resist them) :) These are all pretty small. about 2.5cm top to bottom not counting fins.
Everyone is eating really well and totally at home in the tank. They've been there for two days now and already associate me with food, come and say hello and that. They're eating very well (blood worms, brine shrimp, NLS pellets, and go insane for seaweed - damn these fish eat! I've never seen fish who are so hungry!). They're all swimming about sorting out who is boss and sticking their fins out a bunch. The colours in all but one of them were infinitely better than in the fish store within a day so I guess they like their new home. :)
The trouble is with one of the snakeskin ones. It's a bit dark, and doesn't show off its fins that much. It's also a bit skinny. Some of its fins are missing bits - don't know if this was from being picked on a bit, fin rot, or something else.
Was wondering what to do about this one (and everyone else - figure they're all in there together, might as well treat the lot of them). I figure that I'll probably dose the tank with salt tomorrow just to help them along in case any free-swimming stuff came along with them from the shops and keep the salt levels up during the water changes for the next couple of weeks before slowly getting rid of it through the water changes. What else should I do?
I do have metro and can start them on a course of that in their food if need be and I also have prazi for flukes if that is the case. I also have some pH down that I could try to use to lower the pH if needed, but I'd rather leave that alone if I could.
What should I watch for over the next couple of days to decide if they need meds or not and which ones? If I put metro in their food and they eat it that way, will it also help with external problems like fin rot, or do they need a bath in it for that.
There is also the dodgy solution (the fishie is still under warranty for another couple of days...) uhh... yeah... this one cacked it... can I have a new one (from a different tank) please? :) But I'd rather make the fish healthy and keep it.
Any help is appreciated.
Finally have fish in my tank after watching it cycle. One is questionable... will know more when I check them out tomorrow.
pH 7.4, GH 125ppm, KH 40ppm, Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 10ish ppm. Temp 29C.
The tank is a 90 gallon, with some big rocks, a token amount of gravel which gets vacuumed at every water change, a few live epiphitic plants (java fern and a couple other types) and a large piece of driftwood in it. There is a bubbler, but it only comes on at night.
I change 30% of the water every 2-3 days (preheated before adding).
The fish that I have in it are all new
15 rummy nose
15 cardinals
6 ottos
6 sterbai cories
6 snakeskin variants and two red discus (they came home with the cories as I couldn't resist them) :) These are all pretty small. about 2.5cm top to bottom not counting fins.
Everyone is eating really well and totally at home in the tank. They've been there for two days now and already associate me with food, come and say hello and that. They're eating very well (blood worms, brine shrimp, NLS pellets, and go insane for seaweed - damn these fish eat! I've never seen fish who are so hungry!). They're all swimming about sorting out who is boss and sticking their fins out a bunch. The colours in all but one of them were infinitely better than in the fish store within a day so I guess they like their new home. :)
The trouble is with one of the snakeskin ones. It's a bit dark, and doesn't show off its fins that much. It's also a bit skinny. Some of its fins are missing bits - don't know if this was from being picked on a bit, fin rot, or something else.
Was wondering what to do about this one (and everyone else - figure they're all in there together, might as well treat the lot of them). I figure that I'll probably dose the tank with salt tomorrow just to help them along in case any free-swimming stuff came along with them from the shops and keep the salt levels up during the water changes for the next couple of weeks before slowly getting rid of it through the water changes. What else should I do?
I do have metro and can start them on a course of that in their food if need be and I also have prazi for flukes if that is the case. I also have some pH down that I could try to use to lower the pH if needed, but I'd rather leave that alone if I could.
What should I watch for over the next couple of days to decide if they need meds or not and which ones? If I put metro in their food and they eat it that way, will it also help with external problems like fin rot, or do they need a bath in it for that.
There is also the dodgy solution (the fishie is still under warranty for another couple of days...) uhh... yeah... this one cacked it... can I have a new one (from a different tank) please? :) But I'd rather make the fish healthy and keep it.
Any help is appreciated.