View Full Version : Water changes = cloudy tank... Why?

Mon Aug 06, 2007, 12:42 PM
I'd like to know why every time I do a water change (approx 20% of a 6x2x2 tank) the water becomes slightly hazy (milky) for a few days, then just as it clears up, another water change sends it hazy again. I'd like to keep it looking like when it needs a water change, but as we know our Discus love water changes, so right now I cant win!

Water parameters as follows:

pH averages 7.5 (sometimes as high as 7.8 depending on tap water at the time - I've given up trying to keep it down with chemicals)
Temp at 29C
NH3 = Nil NO2= Nil NO3 < 5ppm
Hard tap water

When I change the water I add an approx double dose of Prime and let it mix in the 75L bucket for several minutes before gently pumping it in with a powerhead & tube with a difuser on the end of it so as to not stir things up.

All the tanks inhabitants are going really well, the 9 Discus are growing, the Rummy noses have bright red faces, the Cardinals are bright, the plants are growing like crazy... all is good except the water goes hazy after every water change. Any ideas?



Mon Aug 06, 2007, 11:28 PM
Ph is too high, Hardness is too high.
The cloudyness is due to the calcium in the tap water.
You need a water container to soften the water overnight.