View Full Version : Camallanus treatment
Tue Oct 26, 2004, 03:17 AM
Hi guys. Some of the inhabitants in my discus tank (no discus yet that I can see) have Cammalanus worms and I have been told that the best way to get rid of them is to treat the whole tank with Levamisole. Has anyone else used any levamisole products as I have been told that you can use either the sheep/cattle wormers (powder/tablets) or bird wormers (liquid). I would prefer to use the liquid form as I think it would be easier to use. Anyone have any other experinence they could share with me? And yes, I have stopped feeding live Black worms. I have learnt my lesson. :oops:
Wed Oct 27, 2004, 05:54 AM
I've used the liquid bird wormer before. Works like a charm.
Yes, avoid blackworms. It's not a necessary risk. Sometimes the trematodes actually come on tropical fish as well, so u just have to be observant and treat if necessary. The worms may have just as easily come from any tropical fish u may have introduced and spread from there..... who knows where they may have come from.
Wed Oct 27, 2004, 06:17 AM
Hey Kev. I dosed all my tanks last night with the bird wormer liquid that contains both Levamisole and praziquantel so hopefully that should sort it out. I was told to use the levamisole at a dose of 2mg/L. Is that about the strength you used?
Wed Oct 27, 2004, 02:06 PM
Yes, I believe that was the dosage I gave on the ACE forums. :wink:
Thu Oct 28, 2004, 12:04 AM
Great. Now all my tanks are very very cloudy and slimy. I will have to do some massive water changes to fix them up, but hopefully the worms are gone. How long does it usually take for the worms to leave the fish bums kev? I notice my Betta still has them sticking out 24 hours after treatment.
Thu Oct 28, 2004, 02:28 AM
24-48hours generally... sometimes the worms are dead, but still sticking out..... When u take the fish out of water, sometimes these dead worms drop out.
It's nice and cloudy I believe due to the glucose or some sugars used in the wormer mix. :wink:
Thu Oct 28, 2004, 02:54 AM
Kev what do these worms look like? I ve had a fish that i thought had Hex, i did the 3 day treatment with no luck, i was going too run another treatment but just wonder could this be the problem??
Thu Oct 28, 2004, 03:39 AM
Cammallanus are thin, red worms that can usually be seen hanging out the anus of infected fish. They occupy the extreme lower end of the digestive tract.
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