View Full Version : to mix or not to mix

alan j t
Sun Jul 22, 2007, 04:39 AM
hey everyone i love this forum
i have a 55 gal planted discus tank with the basic gravel
i was wondering if it was alright to add some eco complete to the roots of all my plants
you know make a hole in gravel add the roots of the plant then bury it with some eco
the bag says dont mix but if i can get away with it that would be great :P

Sun Jul 22, 2007, 07:15 AM
Why not remove the gravel and put the Eco complete in it will look better and will not make your water dirty.I know it will be a pain to take the gravel out ect but it will be worth it.

alan j t
Sun Jul 22, 2007, 10:35 PM
thankx for the reply i've been in the discus hobby for a few months so im trying to better myself as well as the discus and their garden

i thought about it but it seems pretty expensive right now
maybe later when i got deeper pockets it would take probably 4 bags i would assume

would i have to rinse the stuff or presoak it
does it affect my ph even a little as to lowering it
how about replacing it or adding it to my canaster filter as well
does anyone use eco complete or another product with some similarities as to the eco that would be compatibale as to what i trying to
i live in the US if thats any help :D

Mon Jul 23, 2007, 03:11 AM
try this site for how much you need
eco complete will not affect your ph and does not need washing 3in deep layer is best.
It is designed to be a complete substate but may also serve as a bottom layer with your choice of non-carbonate substrate on top (do not use marble, dolomite, limestone, crushed coral, shells aragonite etc.).