View Full Version : Dupla cable heater parts anyone ?

Tunnel Rat
Mon Jul 16, 2007, 07:03 AM
I just pulled out my Dupla cable heating system which I have had for years.I am setting it up on a 3x2x2 but seem to of lost a lot of my cable anchors.
Before I order more has anyone got any lying in there spare parts box ? (suction caps can be hard no problem)
Its worth a try :lol:



Mon Jul 16, 2007, 01:22 PM
mate i got 2 left from my red sea cables, can post them to you if you pm me your address, or can pop in on my next trip to xtreme.

Tunnel Rat
Mon Jul 16, 2007, 01:39 PM
Thanks ILLUSN :thumb
I did a walk around bunnings and found some Decorating clips by3M.
They worked out better for me silicon them down and was able to run the cable closer.I am running it in a sump just using it as a heater so had very little room.
So if you ever need any you know where to come.
I did not wish to wait for the shops to get them in as I want this tank running asp.

Thanks again