View Full Version : Hi + tank plan...

Sun Jul 15, 2007, 06:45 PM
Hi all thought I would say hi and go through my tank plans at the same time nice forum btw :D

Here's the plan:

A pair of discus will be a proven pair...
A elephant nose (maybe more depending on what is in stock and how they are)
Lots of shrimps
A clown plec
A few zebra snails
A pair of rams
A pair of apistos
Rummy nose tetras x8 or there abouts

what do you all think? Also any ideas on what discus to look out for? they will be my first but am fairly experienced in fish keeping

Thanks in advance

Sun Jul 29, 2007, 07:35 AM
Anybody? :cry:

Scotty Bils
Sun Jul 29, 2007, 11:27 AM
How big is your tank first of all. Will it be planted? CO2? How long has it been cycled?

I would go more rummy nose but that is my personal preferance. They look sweet in a big school.

So by having a prooven breeding pair I am guessing that you have then intention to beed them in the future, are you all set for that then? This could mean removing them from the tank.....then no Discus in there..

I would also look at some corey cats and some b'noses.


Sun Jul 29, 2007, 02:00 PM
Sorry just re read my first post and it quite bad. The tank is only 190l hence getting a pair instead of having several I wouldn't really be looking at breeding them, the tank has been going for 15 monthes now it's planted Ive got co2 set up and I'll us R.O water. I would love to have more rummy noses and a few Corry's but am thinking that's about fully stocked + the cory's and elephant nose/'s may not get on same with the bn's

thanks fro the reply :D