View Full Version : Metronidazole and formaldehyde
Fri Jul 06, 2007, 08:24 AM
just wonder where can i get these medicine ??
Coz several times my discus were sick, gone black and had white poo....
i tried to buy these medicine and treat them but end up cannot get them any where ...... and eventually all those Discus just die.....
I have been to many local aquarium and they just told me to use Warm Rid and Waterlife Myxazin but never helpd my fish to recover...
So can any one please tell me where can i get those medicine ?
I am living in Sydney North Shore
Fri Jul 06, 2007, 08:47 AM
to get metro you need a perscription from a doctor or vet, worse is there was talk about further restricting the ammount a doctor can perscribe to no repeats of the 400mg dose (not sure when or if this will happen). myxain works on bacteria but takes 4-5days to reach an effictive dose (IME) by then your discus are as good as dead i use it for mouth fungus (caused by bacteria) on tetras. use octozin instead, by day 2 it should be effective (you will need ALOT to treat a sick discus tank) i dont use formaldehyde, nor will I ever, VERY NASTY SUBSTANCE (again only my oppinion).
Fri Jul 06, 2007, 10:45 AM
you can get metro over ebay. But what you should really do is ask yourself why your fish have flagelattes. Don't want to sound all high and mighty here but there are a few things you must do.
-always quarantine new fish for at least 4 better 6 weeks
-get your dealer to show you that the fish are feeding in his tank and take your good time to see them pooing.
You can use anti-biotics to treat flagelattes but this will do no favours to your filter bacteria and can potentially even stress your fish more.
A popular method with a lot of breeders in Europe is to use a heat treatment combined with a dose of magnisium sulphate (Epsom salt, your pharmacy should have it). Add 1 tablespoon per 10 US gal. Leave for 3 days than change 80% of the water. While you do this bring the temperature up to 34 degrees C and leave it there for two weeks. Change 20-30% water daily but remember the water you add needs to be the same temperature as the tank water. This actually works in more cases than any anti biotic
Fri Jul 06, 2007, 01:14 PM
i dont think AQIS and customs are going to allow you to bring metro in from overseas, they detained my pondstrenght for 3 weeks while they worled out it was available here.
Fri Jul 06, 2007, 01:21 PM
If you really want to use it as your GP for Flagyl made by Bayer but there are also generic drugs that are a whole lot cheaper available. Your pharmacy might put it into suspension for you.
I would go with the heat treatment I suggest. less invasive and IMO works a hell lot better
Sat Jul 07, 2007, 03:13 AM
thanks so much guys..
i really appreciated...
just wonder, the Epsom salt that apistodiscus mention.... is it the similar salt that i can get from the aquarium ?
Sat Jul 07, 2007, 03:20 AM
i have this fish for about 3 months time already... so it's not really a new fish to my tank..
but just don't know why it went black and hiding on the bottom corner.. all the other Discus in the tank is very healthy
Can you please tell me what to do to treat that Discus ?
Sat Jul 07, 2007, 07:56 AM
any excess body slime? has the fish stopped eating?
if so could be very serious.
epson salts can be bought from any pharmacy or a good supermarket (health food/ vitamin section).
i think you'll need more then salt and heat to treat your fish.
Sat Jul 07, 2007, 11:37 PM
yes... the fish is not eating now and it's getting thinner and gone black already....
what medication should i use to treat this fish ?
can anyone please tell me ?
Sun Jul 08, 2007, 07:35 AM
fish that arent eatin are much harder to treat, usually because they are further down the road of ill health
protozin by waterlife is suggested in web lore to contain something like metronidazol and maybe more readily available to you
you need to try and treat now
if you can get the fish to eat medication that would be better , though it doesnt sound likely so small treatment tank or bucket and follow packaging instructions
the white faeces suggest that the lining f the digestive tract is irritated and producing more mucous in response to this irritation
common reasons for gastrointestinal irritation are usually protozoan, nematodes, cestodes and then many other less treatable possibilties
epsom salts contain magnesium which is purgative(encourages emptying of the GIT) this may physically reduce some of the problem
the medications metronidazol is aimed at protozoa
i have also tried fenbendazol - available over the counter (not sure aout austraia) as a palatable dog wormer .. looks a bit like a brown stock cube .. my apisto's eat this as it is.. so no need to make medicated food
there are also some horror stories about using fenbendazol in water , as yet i have not had a problem with the palatable tablets
fenbendazol is known to have antiprotozoal effect in mammalian species but i can find no good refrenced data to suggest it works against aquatic protoza
the benefit is it may treat some of the worm possibilties at the same time
ideally you need to look at the faeces microscopically to trey and determine the cause
Sun Jul 08, 2007, 11:12 AM
get them on the metro if you can, if not I've had good results with octozin, dad uses protozin with some sucess but his results are more mixed when the fish stop eating. where in syd are you? i have some octozin spare if you fancy a trip to penrith.
Sun Jul 08, 2007, 12:21 PM
I've recently had good success by using a ph < 5.5 .
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