View Full Version : Dupla Ground

Wed Jul 04, 2007, 08:42 AM
has anyone used dupla ground as a substrate before just wondering what people thought of it

Scotty Bils
Thu Jul 05, 2007, 11:57 AM
No but I have used Dupla-root K or G (One is the one you mix with the gravel the other is balls) then yes I have used it in my tanks for the last 5-6 years and never had any problems with it.

Just be sure to mix it with the gravel that is on the bottom if you go this way, right down the bottom of the tank as when you clean the tank with a gravel syphioner it will remove alot of it if you are not careful.

Buy a Dupla or simalar thermik/gravel heating cabel as well. Worth the cash for sure!

Thu Jul 05, 2007, 11:21 PM
I have just set up a 5ft tank with Dupla ground and have planted a few things in there, 10cm's growth in 6 days on Rotala wallichi... impressed

Will load pics etc soon

Fri Jul 06, 2007, 08:29 AM
thanks guys ill see how i go and let you know