View Full Version : Help Breeding Bristlenose catfish
Fri Jun 29, 2007, 06:50 AM
Hey all, i have just got 5 bristlenose catfish and i want to make them breed. Can you plz give me sum tips to making it more succesful and easier. My Tank is bout 18" and 40L i think. It has a bit of driftwood and a small cave for them, the only other fish in this aquarium is a bronze catfish.
My PH is bout 6.8
Temp: 27°C
Dont have test kits to test any further soz
Tue Jul 31, 2007, 03:32 AM
Hi, My bristlenose bred and the young hatched about two weeks ago. They are just starting to explore now. My bristle nose tank is 270 liters, heavly planted with Java and lots of drift wood in particular hollowed logs. I have a fine gravel substrate, UV steralizer and canister filter. Lighting via 2 X 36watt Fluro's only 5 hrs a day split in two incriments. Water is Acidic 6.2 with low GH (will be introducing Discus soon). Tank is very well matured. The male bristlenose has nested inside the hollow log and still guards the fry. I have a few females so I do not know who mum is. I have no other fish in the tank and I fear that your cories may make a meal of the fry. I have a little hair algae in my tank due to the phosphate from the discus buffer and I'm too scarred to introduce any siamese algae eaters in case they eat my fry. I generally feed a couple of high quality algae wafers to the adults but a present I am experimenting with crushed wafers and lettuce leaves for the fry.
Tue Jul 31, 2007, 04:20 AM
My tip would be to get rid of the bronze catfish asap. Might also turn the temp down a degree. Give them plenty of hiddy holes (caves, driftwood, big rocks, etc) and let nature take its course, its not like you can make them do it. How big are they? What have you been feeding them? Whats the ratio male v female? Plenty of variables go into it. Let us know and goodluck.
Tue Jul 31, 2007, 11:30 AM
thanks for the reply but i think i have 2 males and 2 females. They are about 2inches each, but i dont think they are ready just yet as they might be a bit small but have grown heaps since i got them and now i have a discus in there because i am buying a new tank and selling the old one so this tank has other fish in it atm. So breeding them is not my first priority anymore
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