View Full Version : UV Sterillizers effect on trace elements and fertilizers??
Mon Jun 25, 2007, 07:19 AM
I read somewhere that uv sterillizers can eliminate trace elements from the water that plants require. If so does this mean they also strip the water of the trace elements that products like Geo Liquid provide. And do they have any Effect on fertilizers like Seacheam Flourish? Any Help on this problem would be great. Thanks.
Mon Jun 25, 2007, 07:43 AM
Ask the people at seachem
Wed Jun 27, 2007, 05:32 AM
I contacted Seacheam and was told this:
"UV light does not penetrate far enough into the water to cause a significant problem with trace elements. Trace elements are used very quickly in the system by the animals, trace elements can also precipitate, or be oxidized. For those mentioned reasons trace elements should be added on a regular bases. Discus Trace and Flourish are fine to add with the UV light on in the tank. Your fish and plants will still be able to take in the trace minerals.
Seachem Support "
It deffinately answered my questions and hopefully helped anyone else that has thought abought this.
Wed Jun 27, 2007, 07:01 AM
the penetraton issue seems a red herring, the whole point of having a uv steriliser that works is based on the thin layer of water that needs to be created so that all water passing the bulb is penetrated
saying that uv is just adding damaging energy in a waveform to things
this certsinly damages protein and imortantly dna structures in pathogens
what that energy does to inert chemical compounds i am unsure, it prehaps does lead to alteration in there state, speeding certain reactions, and i cant see that it removes the elements themselves from the water
Wed Jun 27, 2007, 10:15 AM
They have no effect on nutrients.
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