View Full Version : G'Day to all here

Sun Jun 17, 2007, 03:11 AM
Hello Everyone,

I've just moved to Edmonton in Canada, but I did spend 18 fabulous months living in Melbourne up until a year ago. Got addicted to diving and really miss chilling with the sea dragons for hours on end off Flinder's, and I miss my olive and cheese lady from the market.

Anyway, I'm in the process of setting up a 90gal tank for my office, decided it was time for discus. The "discus lady" from the LFS up here said I should visit this site. All I can say is it looks brilliant. Great photos, great advice, and everything.

Already learning how best to totally spoil my new officemates :)



scott bowler
Sun Jun 17, 2007, 04:13 AM
welcome james
well as you see you can learn here ,the people are frendly and helpful.and we have some fun to so hang out will us and enjoy the ride .oh good luck with the fish mate keep us posted and some pics are aways good hehe have a good one mate scott

Tue Jun 26, 2007, 04:23 AM
Welcome to the forum James.

Did you learn to like Vegemite while you were here :lol:

Good luck with the fish.

You'll find us a friendly bunch of fish enthusiasts. :P

Tue Jun 26, 2007, 03:30 PM
Answer 1 (outside voice):

No, I never really developed a taste for that particular food while I was down in Australia.

Answer 2 (inside voice):


Don't say that word!!! Black tar-like death in a jar!!! A pox upon you and the next 3 generations of your family for reminding me of its existence!!! :)

People said you were all really friendly down there... I introduced about 50 people to good, home-made pumpkin pie (though the pastry wasn't that great the first time - I think there is something different with your flour :? ). They thought it was great and I was told to bring it to dinners and parties all the time.

What did the bastards feed me in return? whatever-mite... They insisted that there's a difference between all the various versions of evil black goo... and silly me, I tried them all.

I figure it's like choosing between being eaten by a white pointer, bronze whaler, or a tiger shark... doesn't make much difference to me, they're all pretty unpleasant experiences.

Oh, and the tank is *almost* ready for me to think about putting water in it... Once I have some new office mates I'll post some pics.


J :)

Thu Jul 05, 2007, 11:34 AM
Ahhhhh James, I don't know how you can say that about our delicious Vegemite :shock:

But I do know it is an acquired taste. The secret is to only have the tiniest amount on your toast, but I'm sure your friends would have warned you of that :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: