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View Full Version : where to buy co2 bottle

Mon Jun 11, 2007, 05:34 PM
Hi all,

i was wonder how many of you run fully owned bottles?

I use to hire bottles from air liquide for about 20bux a yr... but recently they jacked up the price to $130bux a year. so i thought about investing my own bottle.

Any one got ideas of where to buy co2 bottles?

places ive looked so far...homebrew... meh they mostly only do boc hires.

there ones on ebay...but bah comes in a complete set of other equipement that i dont need... just need a bottle itself

ive thought about... using a paintball co2 bottles? ive seen a few shops sell it for under 60bux for a 20oz one... but in terms of l's its only around 500-600mls still waiting for reply about bigger bottles... but i doubt paintballers cant be bothered running aroound with a 5-10kg bottle with them

im looknig for an ideal one thats around 5-10kgs...worst but be happy with is a 3 litre one

9kg of co2 lasted me 2 yrs at 4bpm for my 3x2x2 tank heavily planted.

Or has anyone made their own from fire extinguishes? please comment about hte cost involved it that.


Mon Jun 11, 2007, 05:43 PM
-_- dunno where the edit button is...but other people with co2 fish tanks...

how much are you hiring yours for per annum and which company

Mon Jun 11, 2007, 05:56 PM
Where are you located? Most people on here are located in australia, and if you play around in the "profile" section you can add your location to that, so people closer to your area can help you better....Im in USA, and I ordered my 10lb (dunno what that is in kg) off the internet. If you're in AU, someone else will have to help, and im sure they will in time :D

I never used pressurized co2 before, and just got all my equipment this weekend, and hooked everything up, and I just cant wait to see the results.....but Im def. a noobie to these high tech tanks

I can give you the website link if it will be helpful for you? I would recommend getting your location up on your profile

Good luck :D

Tue Jun 12, 2007, 01:11 AM
I bought mine from a home brew shop, check http://mykegonlegs.com.au for pricing.

Tue Jun 12, 2007, 06:27 AM
Try and get a co2 fire extinuser

Scotty Bils
Tue Jun 12, 2007, 11:20 AM
I rent a bottle from BOC. Costs me about $10 a month. It is a 10kg botle. It lasts forever. It costs about $40 to swap and go. It has been adges since I ave had to swap it!!

I also have a 750g bottle of my own. I keep it on standby. That was costing me $9.90 to fill from my LFS. Rip off!! I had to keep going down every 6 weeks as I have it hooked up to a automatic PH system and when there is no CO2 there is PH spikes!!

I think that $10 a month is ok, less than a pack of smokes!! (No I do not smoke!!) :)

Tue Jun 12, 2007, 03:33 PM
thx for hte reminder abotu location...

eric, the website would be good. how much did you pay for your bottle? i find that the u.s site are faily cheap. but shipping is another problem. also im not sure if they run different standard threads...so when it come to filling it up in aust. might be a problem.

guess ill check out the fire ext. and the boc

Tue Jun 12, 2007, 03:45 PM
No problem kevernz :D


You can order them "full" (obviously more $$) or "empty" I dunno if they ship to AU, but they ship to US and Canada, so play around on there and see what you come up with

Good Luck :D

Wed Jun 13, 2007, 09:33 AM
AFAIK, in Australia, most CO2 fillers will not fill your bottle unless it has an Australian Standard approval, which means importing your bottle may not be wise.

Some LFS do fill the CO2 bottles they sell (which are mainly German made), but you won't have much luck filling it anywhere else.

Many CO2 suppliers have gone to a rental model, rather then letting you own the tank...they probably make more money that way.

Wed Jun 13, 2007, 12:29 PM
Mate, get a fire extinguisher, i got sick of payiong $10 for a 500g refill now for $35 i get 5kg of it which lasts me a year heres how i put my extinguisher co2 systems together, but if you can get an extinguisher like scuba123cliff it's even easier.