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View Full Version : Require dosing regime

Mon Jun 11, 2007, 04:37 AM

Have posted in the illness & medication section and some people have suggested I treat the tank for worms.

Have got hold of the products that have been suggested, but the brand that I got of Levamisole is different to the one you use.

My product "Aristopet Worm-Edna Poultry Wormer is 8.48g/L. How do I know how much to put in my tank. What is the formula ?

I saw someone write 2mg per litre, but am not sure for what strength of Levamisole. I dont want to overdose.

I also bought Praziquantel 100mg. 1 tab per 20 litres.

Mon Jun 11, 2007, 06:36 AM
8.48g/l => 8480mgs per litre is your solution
or 8.4mgs/ml
you want 2mgs/l in the tank so just over 4litres of tank water will be treated with 1 ml of your levamisol solution

i have a dose range of 1-2 mgs/l for levamisol so i would tend to start at the botom dose , see there are no adverse effects with the fish and then increase the dose towards the top levels

praziquantel i have a dose of 2-10 mgs/ litre only used for a 4hr bath and repeated 3 times at 5 day intervals, agai start cautiously

Mon Jun 11, 2007, 07:02 AM
What do you think of the brand. Have just read in another post in meds about Levimasole that some people don't like this brand, and people were having even sicker fish than they began with. With them gasping for air.

I am concerned about dosing with this particular product now. Can anyone help ?

Mon Jun 11, 2007, 08:01 AM
DO NOT USE Aristopet Worm-Edna Poultry Wormer
it has glucose in it, i killed one of my discus a while ago using that product...

Mon Jun 11, 2007, 03:00 PM
the sugar/glucose/carbohydrate allows increased bacterial replication in the water(these dont have to be pathogens) there growth utilisise the dissolved oxygen depleting it for the fish

increased aeration may counter this, though it just easier to use a product with no sugar source

Mon Jun 11, 2007, 03:17 PM
as u say, when i used that particular brand i got home from work and all of my fish were up at the top of the water trying to breath "including the snails" by the time i got home i lost one discus and a cpl of other smaller fish.
not worth the risk imo, get some sykes big L pig and poultry wormer which doesnt have the glucose in it.