View Full Version : Not Eating, Looking Pale
Sat Jun 09, 2007, 10:09 PM
I've been reading a lot, and can't seem to figure out what's wrong with a discus I have in a high-light, high-tech planted tank...
One of them stopped eating after a healthy first 4-6 months of life in this particular aquarium. That one seems extra pale. The others are beginning to pale as well, but they are still eating.
Any guesses as to what this could be?
I'm unable to see their feces to know if there's any whiteness.
Sun Jun 10, 2007, 01:42 AM
more info needed from you
tank size?
tank inhabitants and amounts?
what type of filtration?
whats your readings for
what type of lighting?
can you post a picture?
also depending upon how this develops it may be better to post this in the emrgency section sub thread
Sun Jun 10, 2007, 09:45 PM
More information, as requested:
75 gallon
4 large discus
~30 cardinal tetra
15-20 amano shrimp
4 bushynose plecos
Mechanical: Canister, Filstar XP3
Chemical: Carbon
Bio: Tons of plants w/CO2, and 225 watts of light
PH: 6.8
ammonia: 0
Nitrate: usually around 5 (fertilized for plants)
Nitrite: I never test this
Phosphates: one or less (fertilized for plants)
225 watts of light
I only have shots BEFORE sickness. It's in a tank I don't have easy access to, I set it up for someone else.
I'm a bit new to discus, but I have tons of experience with planted tanks. I worked out a deal with my client that I would give him a massive discount while I "experimented" with discus. For a while, things were great! They were laying eggs about once every two weeks. And two of them still are, but they are starting to get pale... The blue one in the picture below has lost most of his brilliance from the center of his body outward. It seems like the "edges" of his disc still look bright.
scott bowler
Wed Jun 13, 2007, 08:59 AM
HI Kevmo welcome to the forum the tank looks awesome . how about temp what is the temp? and how many water changes have you done on the tank.If so has the water been aged water .all the test that you have done look fine .Also apart from lossing colour have they shown any other sighns of illness? all these things may help us to help you mate good luck let us know howit is scott
Wed Jun 13, 2007, 12:10 PM
Kev, have you checked the hardness of the water in that tank. It may have increased depending on the gravel you've used. Discus will cope with hard water, but they need softer water to thrive.
The other thing I'd do is remove the carbon from the filter. There's a lot of discussion on carbon stripping essential nutrients from the water. Till we know the facts on carbon, it's best not to use it in a discus tank.
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