View Full Version : Feeding Beef heart

Wed Jun 06, 2007, 07:48 AM
After the suggestions I have seen here and the suggestion that Ron gave me @ Fish Rock I decided to introduce my fish to Beef Heart.

I was wondering of you chuck the beef heart into the tank whilst frozen, or do you thaw it out first. I saw Ron chuck it in frozen, so I have been doing the same, but was wondering it it was thawed it would be easier for the discus to bite off, so therefore it gets eaten before it hits the bottom of the tank ??

Any thoughts ?

Wed Jun 06, 2007, 09:20 AM
I thaw mine before feding, my fish seem to enjoy it more thawed then frozen

Wed Jun 06, 2007, 09:32 AM
i ve been feeding them BH for a few months now. and they ve grown sooooo much! i actually have to move some to another tank for better growth.... i ve got some cory and BN to do the clean up as well... and they ve grown too!
i just chuk mine in frozen. and they seem to love it! guess i am just lazy...

Wed Jun 06, 2007, 10:19 AM
i think ur better off using foods with beef heart in it, not just beef heart only IE: posaqua discus deluxe or discus dinner, or ur own beef heart mix. this is just my opinion though.
i usually hold it under water "frozen" and let the fish pick at it then when it's ready to sink i let it go and let the fish go there hardest, it soon breaks up...

Thu Jun 07, 2007, 10:11 AM
I let it thaw a bit, then put my hand in the tank and she comes to feed from my hand! So lovely!!