View Full Version : What type of treatment?
Wed May 30, 2007, 02:39 PM
My discus seem to be more shy then usual lately, and havent been interested in my beefheart mix as much, and dont come up and eat outta my hands anymore, and the scorpion in particular is skinny, and getting picked on a good bit, and especially during feeding time....its like he isnt "ballsy" enough to come out from behind the plants to eat when I first put food in, and by the time he gets around to it, the other 3 are out, and keep him from any food that may be left on the substrate :(
Just curious if someone would recommend any sort of treatment
The meds I have are PraziPRO, Metronidazole Tablets, Sykes Big L Pig and Poultry, flubenol 15%, and Primafix and Melafix....would one of these help make them more "active"? I have been reluctant to use any of these in my tank from reading so many conflicting threads on here about these meds....I used a lil bit of PraziPRO a lil while ago during a water change, but it didnt seem to do anything, and the directions are a lil odd. Im at work so I dont have the bottle in front of me to say exactly what it says. I wanted to use the flubenol so I could try to get the snail population down at the same time :?:
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...this is for in my main tank, so its planted, and the stocking list as listed in my signature
Thanks very much! :D
the german
Thu May 31, 2007, 10:14 AM
you water parameter are ok i guess,otherwise you would tell us.
i wouldnt treat with anything when your not sure what to treat.
maybe there is something in the water what the fish dont like,maybe in the tapwater.... who knows,make sur there is nothing what can "bleed"stuff in the water.
in germany i had a planted discus tank and had problems with the weights who was attached to plants to hold them down(it was lead :shock: )after i get them off and out of the tank all was good.
Thu May 31, 2007, 11:16 AM
Thanks michael
My parameters are fine.....I check them before every water change, and then the day after my water changes, and all seems good to me
With this past weekend being a holiday weekend I was able to do water changes on saturday (like normal) and then on monday (not normal) and then again on wednesday (like normal) I had riccia delivered a few weeks back and they came on rocks, but I removed them last night, as all my riccia is now in these crochet mat grids....but other then that, that was the only "new" thing to find its way into the tank, that Im aware of....I always take those lead weights off the plants if they come on them from the LFS, so there def. isnt any of them in the tank.
I guess I will hold off on treatment, I just felt they never received a good de-worm yet....maybe they are being different to me cause they are starting to do the "shimmy shimmy" and hopefully will be pairing up soon, and just all in all arent really interested in food right now? I just feel bad for the scorpion, he is very neat looking, and is getting skinny, and is never allowed to eat :(
Thanks again :D
Sat Jun 02, 2007, 11:20 AM
Erk, how are the stools of the fish? sounds a little like worms to me? any chance of a photo of the scorpion taking a dump? white translucent stools normally indicate worms, just a thought, dont treat with anything till your sure.
Sat Jun 02, 2007, 11:40 AM
Thanks ILLUSN!
He is always hiding behind plants in the back, so I dont really see him much, or see him dumping, but I will try to get a closer look at things, and I have to do a water change today, so maybe I will be able to look around better....I dont see white poo anywhere in my tank
He seems to eat when he can, and he is def. fighting the lil pigeon more and more.....I just feel bad, cause he is def. too skinny for how long he has been in there for with my feeding regime :(
I dont have a camera this weekend for pics atm, but I will see what I can do....I dunno if I will be able to get a pic of him or not :(
I wont treat with anything until I try to get pics and look for white poo better
Thanks again :D
Sat Jun 02, 2007, 11:42 AM
Thanks ILLUSN!
He is always hiding behind plants in the back, so I dont really see him much, or see him dumping, but I will try to get a closer look at things, and I have to do a water change today, so maybe I will be able to look around better....I dont see white poo anywhere in my tank
He seems to eat when he can, and he is def. fighting the lil pigeon more and more.....I just feel bad, cause he is def. too skinny for how long he has been in there for with my feeding regime :(
I dont have a camera this weekend for pics atm, but I will see what I can do....I dunno if I will be able to get a pic of him or not :(
I wont treat with anything until I try to get pics and look for white poo better....just thought the flubenol for the snails may not be a bad idea....that is supposed to be a de-wormer also? I have read conflicting articles on here about it tho? I do have a good bit of snails in there, and I dont wanna do the clown loach route :(
Thanks again :D
Sat Jun 02, 2007, 11:42 AM
Sorry bout the double post....wanted to put that bit about the flubenol in there
Sat Jun 02, 2007, 12:23 PM
u really need to see ur discus doing a poo to see if it's poo is white as u wont see it in the substrate, but it will be very obvious if the poo is white when u see it doing one. it wouldnt hurt to de-worm with either prazi or levaminasole as a preventative measure, not sure on the
flubenol, but if it was me i would be using clowns for snail control over any chemicals used for snail control as most snail rid chemicals are also bad for ur fish too...
Sat Jun 02, 2007, 12:44 PM
Thanks fish_r I tried to put some praziPRO in there before...dunno if that did anything...didnt seem like much of a dose, and from what I gather on the bottle you should do it during a water change? I can list what the bottle says if you would for that? I will read the stickys again about levamisole
I will watch to see if I can see him poo, and see if its white or whats going on also, before doing anything
I just know im overstocked, and I wont have anything to do with a clown loach (after he serves his purpose) so I didnt wanna go that trying to get him out afterwards :(
I will have to think about some things here
Thanks again! :D
Sat Jun 02, 2007, 01:26 PM
i'm no expert on prazi pro m8 but someone else might chip in for u ?
sorry i forgot about ur stocking levels :( clown loaches are best in at least 3's too so guess that counts them out
i just use mine till they get too big then sell em back to my lfs...
"time to hit the misses up for a bigger tank i think m8" :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tue Jun 26, 2007, 12:37 AM
Scorpion seems ok...saw his poo today and it is normal lil silver pigeon on the other def. flicking himself up against plants, and sometimes he looks like he is "choking" on nothing....hiding by himself. He isnt dark or anything, but it has gotten worse at the night goes on :(
Any help is greatly appreciated
Tue Jun 26, 2007, 03:16 AM
try a treatment with prazi 1 tablet (100mg) per 20L(5 us Gal) of tank water. no water changes for 48hrs, then a water change (30%). repeat in 1 week, i doesnt hurt to give your filter a clean with each water change as well.
Tue Jun 26, 2007, 12:19 PM
The meds I have are PraziPRO, Metronidazole Tablets, Sykes Big L Pig and Poultry, flubenol 15%, and Primafix and Melafix
The prazipro is a liquid not a tablet
When you say
i doesnt hurt to give your filter a clean with each water change as well.
Is that in general, or just during treatment? I used to clean my filter at almost every water change, but I have since backed off that
Thanks again
Wed Jun 27, 2007, 02:16 AM
when treating with prazi, after the 48hrs treatment give your filter a quick clean (you'd be suprised how many tapeworm segments can get sucked up) whats the conc of the prazi pro? you need 100mg/20L
Wed Jun 27, 2007, 02:26 AM
The bottle says
(1) teaspoon per 20 gallons of water to be treated. (one (1) fl. oz. per 120 gallons) Measure Pond Solutions™ Liquid PraziPro® at the rate of one (1) teaspoon per 32 gallons of water to be treated. (one (1) fl. oz. per 200 gallons) This produces a concentration of 2.5 mg/L.
will you please look at my thread in emergency room, as I think that may be more important to resolve first?
Thank you
Wed Jun 27, 2007, 05:32 AM
I'd aim for 5mg/L which is double your dose.
Wed Jun 27, 2007, 12:00 PM
Thanks ILLUSN :D I tried to dose praziPRO in the past, and it didnt seem like it did much, but I was following the directions on the bottle, and never redosed like the bottle said. I will double dose it tonight after work, like you recommend.
Thanks again
Wed Jun 27, 2007, 02:22 PM
Also, anything I should know as far as lighting, and feeding during treatment? I will clean the filter out during the water change, after 48 hours
Thanks :)
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