View Full Version : Interested in joining the discus hobby! A few questions~

Tue May 29, 2007, 05:58 AM
Hello, i have thought about starting a small discus tank for some time. Iv done some research but there seems to be endless tidbits of information.

RIght now i have some cichlids and piranhas. I like them because they're fairly hardy if properly cared for.

I want something a little more attractive for the 20 gallon in my room. I know a 20 gallon is very small compared to most standards, but i want to put some dime-sized juvies in there and help them grow out. My concern is tha they are too small for a first-time discus keeper. I have read that they are extremely volatile and sensative when young.

Also, what would i feed such small fish? Im on a slightly tight budget and would like to go with the most affordable route. Im gun ho about making my own beef-heart recipes, but would such small discus be able to eat it?

What is the easiest way to do a water change. I live in van-bc and our water is fairly acidic as it is. Water in bucket, add prime, and put in tank?

Thank you in advance for any advice


Tue May 29, 2007, 07:22 AM
I've just started with discus about a month ago, so can't give you a lot of experience there unfortunately.

However, I can tell you that the small discus will eat Beef Heart. I've just started feeding it to mine, and they love it.

A lot of people here will probably tell you a 20Gal tank is too small for discus, and many say you should have 10gal per fish, and be in a school of at least 4-6.

My tank is about 30 odd gallons and I have a few discus in there which are quite small at the moment. As time goes on, I may have to move them, but at the moment they seem happy enough.

Also, depending on who you talk to as to what % of water change you should do. Some people on here do 50%+ water change each day. I don't, and do about 25% each week, which they seem to be handling. But, if you feed them beef heart each meal, you will find your tank gets dirty quickly and you may need to change more often.

Goodluck with your new hobby.

the german
Tue May 29, 2007, 10:43 AM
hi fubbotubo

20 gallon,thats 80 90l?to small,sorry,even for juvis.
say you had 150l you could put in a few juvis arround 2" but only for a few weeks than they will grow to big under the right care,its not too hard to keep small discus and let them grow well,6 feeds a day with BH,blood worms,brine shrimp and regular WC.but like i sayed than they grow fast and you have to get a bigger tank.
you also need a group of discus 5-6 is a good number and when they grow you need a 240l or bigger,all depends on filtration and WC.


Tue May 29, 2007, 11:03 AM
Hi fubbotubo, welcome to the forum!

I've had much the same discussion recently, and on advice of those much more experienced & wise in these things than I am, I now have 5 juvies in an 80l tank.

I'm sorely tempted to throw them in the 6ft with the adults though, 'cos the w/c's are a pain.

The reason they're not in there now is to give them a better chance at more frequent feeds and I've read something about the adults giving off a chemical which stunts the growth of smaller fish.

As stated though, this is only a temporary measure 'till they're big enough for the larger tank.