View Full Version : POSAQUA Questions/Answers Please READ!
Thu May 24, 2007, 04:42 PM
Hi People,
I'm Nick from POSAQUA, some of you have used our frozen (or live) foods. I've noticed that in this forum there seems to be a lot of wrong information being distributed. Hey it's not for me to say who says what, but if you want the straight answers to questions just ask me! I can provide invaluable information on fish nutrition and growth (3 year uni course in aquaculture), also I know all the rules about importing frozen foods from China and any questions you ask I can answer. (within limits as my competitors may like to learn some of my secrets) you can contact me on 08 242244 (feel free to reverse the charges), I just want you fish keeping people to have healthy fish. And I know that our food is far superior than any other on the market.
For example, any frozen food ie brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, bloodworm etc is gamma irradiated at what they (government - Aqis) call 50 kgrey, when you hear that imported chicken for human consumption is irradiated at 6 kgrey, you have to wonder? Basically it costs about $8,000 (per 20' container) for the irradiation process (at 50 kgrey) And to make matters worse the irradiation process is used to kill any bacteria of viruses that may be present. Unfortunatly this also denatures the protein in the fish food thereby reducing its effectiveness. I'm sorry if this sounds like a rant but please feel free to contact me via phone 08 88242244 or fax 08 242339 or email to Also remember that posaqua brine shrimp does not need to be irradiated (as its grown in our ponds - bloody massive, in South Australia)
Cheers People I am waiting for some respones eagerly
Best regards
Thu May 24, 2007, 05:22 PM
Hi Nick
i sent posaqua an email 13-4-07 "still no reply"
this is the email i sent.
Hi i have been using your Discus Deluxe product for a fair while now and very happy with it but the last batch i got has changed in formulation. up till now it seems like there was a lot of fish products in there and not much beef heart and was a opaque to light brown colour. and the last batch i brought seems like it is beef heart only. deep red in colour my question is has the formulation changed or was it maybe labeled wrong and is the beef heart product u sell. i much more prefered the previous product as the beefheart looking one is really fine and clouds my tank upon feeding my Discus and makes a real mess. unfortunitly if this is a new formulation i can no longer use your product as it makes too much of a mess in my tanks
please advise
i have also talked about this to my lfs who agrees with what i have said and also thinks it the beefheart product u sell with the wrong label on it and there is no garlick smell to it anymore also.
he also has been trying to contact posaqua with no response too and last time i saw him he told me there going to stop stocking it.
i gave up waiting for a response and ended up making my own in the end.
Thu May 24, 2007, 05:46 PM
I'm sorry Rob That your lfs got a batch of Discus Deluxe that wasn't up to ouf normal standard. I am assuming it was aggies? We have no excuse for our stuffup, however we have had some staff changes recently which has affected us in ways that we are still finding out about. If you reply to this I will be more than happy to reimburse you 10 x packs of Discus Deluxe, (the real deal)
Nick Posaqua
discus lover01
Thu May 24, 2007, 08:40 PM
I swear by PosAqua foods and have been usuing for last few years since getting back into discus it's hard to find good processed foods it is a great food and the discus and all fish love it they have grown on the food.
The Brine shrimp is awesome product as atr all the ones keep up the great work.
PM sent in regards to 1 other thing.
discus lover01
Thu May 24, 2007, 08:44 PM
PM Sent as well thanks mate
Thu May 24, 2007, 08:47 PM
Nick, welcome to DiscusForums.
Firstly I would suggest you make yourself aware of the guidelines for commercial operators on here, normally your post would be removed, however being that it is more informational rather than promotional it can stay.
I've noticed that in this forum there seems to be a lot of wrong information being distributed.
Based on that comment I would suggest you do some more reading. Most comments or threads that I have read or participated on shine a positive light on the Posaqua product, giving it a higher wrap than that of some of the alternatives out there, such as Hikari.
Bear in mind what you may interpret as wrong information, would actually be more appropriately thought of as being a matter of opinion.
I for one I am more than happy to use Posaqua products, and am happy to say that, however given the handling, or lack of from some LFS problems may arise, which is not the fault of the product, sadly though, some people do not understand this.
Thu May 24, 2007, 09:30 PM
Welcome aboard Nick. Good to have you here.
I for one really love the Posaqua products that I've tried, especially the baby brine. Haven't tried the Discus Deluxe I would if I could find a place that stocks it.
If it is within the forums commercial guidelines, would it be possible to post a list of places in each capital that stock your product as it seems a little thin on the ground.
Fri May 25, 2007, 03:41 AM
Hi Nick
dont get me wrong, as i said in the email i used to love the discus deluxe "original product" it took a bit to get my fish onto it, but when they did they absolutely loved the product.
as u will see from my early postings here
i was just a bit dissapointed that i got no reply from the email sent back in early april :(
and yes Aggies is who i get it from, my last 11pkts from them were the beefheart only looking mix they used to do a special price on pkts of 5 but now has changed to a special price for pkts of 6.
if u could reinburse my for the pkts i bought that would be great
Fri May 25, 2007, 03:54 AM
hi there would love to try this product but dont know where to purchase it in syd east , with out having to drive an hour or 2 to get it??
do asa\ extreme sell it ?
Fri May 25, 2007, 04:38 AM
hi there would love to try this product but dont know where to purchase it in syd east , with out having to drive an hour or 2 to get it??
do asa\ extreme sell it ?
An hour or 2 drive?? That would get you to Darling Harbour maybe. :lol: :lol:
I don't think Xtreme sell it. The only place I've really noticed was PetCentre at MacQuarie Centre. It was the only thing they had that was good. Except for a dalmatian puppy about a year ago. My discus didn't like its long legs tho :wink:
Fri May 25, 2007, 12:16 PM
My discus didn't like its long legs tho :wink:[/quote]
Wed Jun 06, 2007, 10:43 AM
just wanted to say thx Nick for the free pkts of discus deluxe (the real deal) :) i can say now i know the product hasnt actually changed in formulation and was just a simple mistake in packaging i will be using this product instead of all the hassle of making my own.
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