View Full Version : Broken and bent black bars on my discus.

Tue Oct 12, 2004, 12:12 AM
I have 2 Spotted Snakeskins one has broken and bent black bars and the other doesn't. I got them both from the same breeder and I believe both are from the same parents and same batch of fry.
My question is, is this a problem as I want to breed him.
He's actually a nice looking fish normally but when those black stress bars appear it does look ugly. If I do breed him will the fry have the same problem.
Ive added two photos one without the bars and the other with. The photo with the black bars isn't the best as I couldn't get him to show them properly. Also the first photo was taken without a flash the second photo was with a flash.

Thanks.. Oscar

Tue Oct 12, 2004, 02:02 AM
Maybe if you want to win at a show it might matter.
I really don't worry about stress bars too much (other than when they are bent at the tail which may indicate spine deformity). They look like a good pair of fish to me and I can't see much of the stress bars anyway. The bars will also fade as they get bigger.
Most likely you will get a mix of fry some with straight bars some broken and some with the normal nine. As you would with just about any SS pair.
No pair breed true all the time and not all fry are healthy either.

Tue Oct 12, 2004, 04:57 AM
Broken and twisted bars are pretty normal, so dont let it worry you. He is a beautiful fish and I wouldn't hesitate to use him for breeding.

Tue Oct 12, 2004, 09:27 AM
They are beautiful fish Oscar !

Tue Oct 12, 2004, 10:19 AM
Thanks everyone

Yeah I'm going to pair him up with my female Red Turq.
My male Red Turq is really giving her a hard time so I've decided enough is enough and I'm going to change males.
I'm about 80% sure the SSS is a male so I'll see how they go.
Both pictures I've posted are actually the same discus. One has no bars and the other has some black bars showing. The discus look different because one photo was taken with the flash and the other photo wasn't.

Thanks.. Oscar