View Full Version : Breeding pair moved to their own tank

Fri May 11, 2007, 05:04 AM

I have a pair of Discus that have been in a community tank with six other Discus. They have been laying eggs fortnightly for four months. Even had wrigglers once! But most of the time the eggs are gone after two days.

So I set up a new tank for them all on their own with a bare bottom and a terracotta pot upside down in it. They laid eggs in the community tank 24 hours ago on a nana leaf. So I transferred them into the new tank as well as the nana leaf (I trapped the leaf by its' stem under the upside down pot).

The fish have settled in well, but they have not paid attention to the leaf with the eggs on it as yet. Do you think that the eggs will hatch and do you think they will tend the eggs as they were doing in the coommunity tank?

Fri May 11, 2007, 05:13 AM
Congratulations on your pair Atti. It's great that they've had wrigglers in the community tank. At least you know that you have a confirmed pair.

Moving them to the breeding tank usually upsets them to the point where they don't recognize their eggs any more, and the eggs are lost.

That's the normal scenario, but I've had discus for long enough to know that just about anything can happen. They have a wonderful way of making fools of so called experts :lol:

I wish you luck, but I think your chances of raising this batch are less than 50%. However the next batch should be more successful :wink:

Fri May 11, 2007, 07:40 AM
Hi Merrilyn,

Thanks for the info. We will see how they go. Now I am watching them like a concerned parent, hoping that they settle in ok. Moving them was very stressful to me. But I took the opportunity to catch him while he was tending the eggs, and thus distracted. The male is quite large and he put up quite a struggle when I netted him. There was water all over the walls as he splashed in the net.

I'll let you know how they go. I really hope that they successfully breed in this new tank.

