Sat May 05, 2007, 12:51 PM
Discus newbie. I have been reading through the many posts about this... but decided it would be safer for my Discus to ask.
6 Discus in the tank. Others seem fine.
Had the sick one for about 4 months. For the past week or so- Long white-ish translucent feces with dark parts, eats less aggressively, spends more time hiding behind plants than it used to. From reading other threads, I don't think it has worms but I'm not sure.
Purchased from LFS-
PraziPro (liquid concentrate 1tsp per 10g= 2.5mg/l) and
Metronidazole (500 mg tablets).
So now what? How should I go about this? Which first?
Are both safe to use in the main tank?
Will they harm cardinals, gold nugget pleco, zebra loach, and shrimp?
Interested in the food soaking methods. Usually feed Hikari frozen blood worms.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
6 Discus in the tank. Others seem fine.
Had the sick one for about 4 months. For the past week or so- Long white-ish translucent feces with dark parts, eats less aggressively, spends more time hiding behind plants than it used to. From reading other threads, I don't think it has worms but I'm not sure.
Purchased from LFS-
PraziPro (liquid concentrate 1tsp per 10g= 2.5mg/l) and
Metronidazole (500 mg tablets).
So now what? How should I go about this? Which first?
Are both safe to use in the main tank?
Will they harm cardinals, gold nugget pleco, zebra loach, and shrimp?
Interested in the food soaking methods. Usually feed Hikari frozen blood worms.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.