View Full Version : i hate saes'
Thu May 03, 2007, 05:48 AM
atm im evicting some congo tetras and siamesse(?) algae eaters from a tank. out of the 3 saes' ive caught 1.
now im not going all out with the total trashing of the tank method, just getting the fish accustomed to the net and when they least expect it..BAM!
stupid saes, i can see why they use them as feeders in their country of origin, cause the people get so pissed wit them
anyway, im kicking them out cause their lazy, never ate algae from the first day and always feast on the discus food.
are there any ways to catch the fuckers?
Thu May 03, 2007, 01:13 PM
Lower your water level before try to catch them will help.
As for algae eaters, nothing beats BN. Get the albino one if you can.
Thu May 03, 2007, 01:22 PM
there fast little buggers, like FL said lower the water level and then use 2 nets. i agree i hate em too, just got rid of my huge ones raised from babies and they seemed to eat bugger all algae...
Thu May 10, 2007, 06:59 AM
I reckon gibbiceps are pretty. Only problem is you have to get rid of them when they get too big
Fri Jun 01, 2007, 02:20 AM
Awww poor SAEs ;)
I have a 'fleet' of 5 SAEs and although I agree they don't eat any meaningful amounts of algae they do an excellent job of cleaning up left over food scraps etc. They are like 5 vacuum cleaners that scout around the entire tank (not just on the bottom like my 3 Corys) looking for scraps, and I never have to worry about getting left over food out of the tank as the SAE's find it in no time and its gone within minutes.
I agree that BN's are much better at eating algae, and I have three of those on duty as well. If the algae gets on top of them, I simply add another BN to keep things in balance - works like a charm. I always keep a few BNs in my hospital tank for this purpose :)
Tue Jul 03, 2007, 03:21 AM
lower the water level, two nets, and a divider to help corner them. You can get a flexible mesh like stuff that you can bend around obstacles in your tank so you don't have to remove too much stuff.....oh and a mate helps!!
Tue Oct 30, 2007, 08:19 AM
LOL my SAE's are the best algae eating crew iv had, way better then bristlenose's. If im getting a real algae problem i just wont feed them for 2 days and they get hungry and devour all the algae.
Mon Nov 19, 2007, 08:17 AM
sorry guys,
what's BN??
Mon Nov 19, 2007, 08:32 AM
i hate saes'
Amen brother!
Godprint, BN's are bristlenose catfish. :wink:
Mon Nov 19, 2007, 08:38 AM
i hate saes'
Amen brother!
Godprint, BN's are bristlenose catfish. :wink:
i think it's the same!
yes. i got 1 problematic 4" pleco. goes around sucking my discus and goldfish...
-_- killed 1 goldfish... could recognise the suction marks...immediately seperated them...
but i agree, they are really good algae eaters..
Mon Nov 19, 2007, 08:49 AM
Bristlenose and pleco's are a little different. Similar family though.
p.s not me in the photo :wink:
Mon Nov 19, 2007, 08:52 AM
p.s not me in the photo :wink:
oh my word...
that's a large pleco!!
ok so now i know the difference. thanks pal!
Wed Apr 09, 2008, 03:22 PM
I would differ from that statement slightly. Bristlenoses and plecos are more than just a little different.
The only real similarity is that they are both catfish with sucker type mouths.
One thing that really bugs me is going into a fish shop and seeing things like "bristlenose pleco" written on tanks or worse still "ancistrus plec"
I dont know why it should bother me so much, but it does. Maybe i should get out more
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