View Full Version : Hydor Green NRG Exclusive??
Sat Apr 28, 2007, 06:39 PM
Does anyone use this? Any "tricks of the trade" Or does nobody like it? I was thinking of hooking one up soon, so any comments, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as always! :D
Thank you
Mon Apr 30, 2007, 04:37 AM
Erk reading through the states of 15pbm (1 bubble every 4 sec) will last 2 weeks is a bit poor, i'd gor for a system with a 2kg (3.2lb) cylinder and in your tank id run 120bpm (2 bubbles a second), theres better options out there, just my opinon.
Mon Apr 30, 2007, 01:25 PM
Thanks ILLUSN....The package claims 4 bubbles per minute? Will last me 265 days?? However, its hard to set, and Im not sure how many bubbles I have going at the moment, I barely have the dial open, but the bubbles seem fast in the counter.....the problem with the other one is, I dunno how to get the cylinders filled, or the cost to get them LFS has all the stuff I need for this one, and at least its a pressurized system..right? It took my co2 indicator straight to yellow (too much) within about 3 hours, which made me happy...I also still have the two turbo (fermented) systems running....I just dont understand why I never see any pearling in my tank? Could it be because I have too much water current? I placed this diffuser right near my airstone in my tank, and I now run the airstone 24/7 cause the directions for the NRG said to place it near water current, and with the rena xP3 being rated for a tank up to 175 gallons, could this be too much water current? Should I move it somewhere else, and turn the airstone off to see if I can see pearling?
Thanks very much for your help, but its hooked up now, and too late to do anything about too impatient, and I thought this would work fine when I got it....Im sure there are better options out there
Thanks again :D
Mon Apr 30, 2007, 11:50 PM
should be right mate once the co2 gets up there the plants will pearl, in strong current you'll get streams of bubbles rising from the undersides of leaves, looks like a glass of champane, also your fast growers will do this more then your slow growers.
Mon Apr 30, 2007, 11:59 PM
Thanks much ILLUSN.....I guess I will continue to use the red sea turbo systems for a while, and see how that goes...I guess I should start paying attention to the pH a lil bit, as I was reading some other threads on can really swing it, and I havent checked it recently, or at night in a while....I will keep my fingers crossed that everything is ok....the discus all seem fine, so I think im ok...doesnt sound like Im really running as much co2 as everyone else is anyways.
Thanks! :D
Tue May 01, 2007, 12:28 AM
Yeah, I just checked pH and its 6.4, with the lights on, and an airstone running...I was sure it was always has been! :shock:
I guess Im going to go post a question bout this in the emergency room
Fri May 04, 2007, 12:18 PM
Ok, got a new co2 cylinder, but like the first one, I must not know how to set it, so it will last me a while....can anyone help me with this? I know most of you prolly arent familiar with this piece of equipment, so here is a link...if you need anymore info, I will do my best to find a way to provide you with it
Thanks very much! :D
Sat May 05, 2007, 12:10 AM
hi erk, set your bubble rate at about 2 bubbles/ sec, once assembled, get some soapy water and smear it on EVERY join, if it bubbles you have a leak, thats how most people loose most of their co2
Sat May 05, 2007, 01:54 AM
get some soapy water and smear it on EVERY join
Im sorry but smear it on every joint of what? About how long will a 74 gram cylinder at 2 bubbles per second? Not very long? The directions say something about 22 bubbles per mintue for a tank roughly my size, I know this is a very dumb question, but I count in through the bubble counter on the side of the tank? while opening the dial on the cylinder?
Im gonna hook it back up still suggest leaving it run 24 hours with the airstone? cause i feel I had to have had it set for really fast the first time around, since it only lasted me two days :?:
Thanks again! :D
Sat May 05, 2007, 04:57 AM
both the joins were the hose meets the reg and where the reg meets the cylinder on a 174l tank you'll need 2 bps thats about 120bpm you can try lower if you like but the best needles valves only go down to bout 15-30bpm, 74g isn't much i use a 500g every 2 months on an 80L. I aim cor co2 at about 20-30mg/L where your instructions are suggesting
Medium Concentration of 10 mg/L
I believe that your 74g cylinder are not refillable as in your link it says
Maintenance Instructions
To change the disposable CO2 cartridge
CAUTION: Ensure the cartridge is completely empty. Never unscrew the cartridge before it is completely empty. If the cartridge is not empty, unscrewing it could release dangerous high pressure gas.
Sat May 05, 2007, 12:31 PM
Thanks ILLUSN, my cylinder def. isnt refillable, and I tried to find a place that refills the bigger cylinders, like your talking about for other systems, but I have had no luck. The new cylinders are $19.99US, so I guess I will be using them a lot, if I set it the way your saying
But all i do, is count the bubbles in the counter.....and thats how i know how fast its pumping....correct?
I will put some soapy water on the joins, should I look to replace the needle valve? Do you think that is even possible on this system?
Thanks again, I will let you know how I go, and I left the turbo(fermented) systems hooked up to, so hopefully that will help
Sat May 05, 2007, 02:50 PM
I dont think your sytem will be upgradeable, but you can always try, keep up the bio sytems and together you should be ok
Sat May 05, 2007, 03:11 PM
Great, thanks ILLUSN, I will hook up the new cylinder today, and hopefully run that only during the day when the lights are on, and leave the bio systems and airstone hooked up and running 24/7 and see how things go. :D
Thu May 17, 2007, 03:48 PM
ok, I did some looking around some more, and found this site
I like the 5lb cylinder full for $80US......but some questions......
How long would that last me? bubbling the way you guys bubble yours? Also, is there anyway I can use parts from the hydor system, if I was to get a cylinder eventually? (Still have to find a place to get them refilled first) I would like to get to that kinda system sometime, but I keep wasting my money on other "Crap" and now I have to make things a lil cheaper, but Im still not thrilled with this system either? Can I use the same diffuser, and bubble counter? There is no way to "rig" what I have up to a big cylinder like in the link? :?
Thanks everyone :D
Thu May 17, 2007, 11:23 PM
:D :D Finally found a place that will fill the cylinder for me....a 5lb cylinder is $7.50US!! :D
Not sure how long this would last me tho, and Im not sure what all equipment i would still need? I think the diffuser off the nrg system would work fine, and maybe the bubble counter, so just a regulator? I can get a CO2 cylinder locally for $59.99US from the beer shop!! :D
I really wont be happy with things in there until I bite the bullet and go this route :?
Thanks everyone for your help! :D
Fri May 18, 2007, 03:52 PM
Ok, just ordered the milwaukee regulator and selanoid, should be here in a few days!! :D
Gonna pick up the cylinder this weekend, and hopefully get it filled as well! Should hopefully be up and running next week...if Im lucky! haha
I cant wait to see the difference in the plant growth! :D
Thanks again everyone! :D
Tue May 22, 2007, 01:47 PM
Good work mate, preasurised CO2 is the way to go.
btw mate tank is looking good saw your Rotala post.
keep at it.
Tue May 22, 2007, 02:03 PM
Heyyy ILLUSN!! :D How have you been? I was wondering what happened to you....busy? busy with fish tank stuff? lol! Welcome back :) I hope everything is good!
Thanks for the compliments! Im working on it! Pressurized should be up and running this weekend hopefully!! Im so excited :D Should def. help things take off! Got a 10lb cylinder! That oughtta do something! haha
Any ideas on how to weigh down crochet mats for the riccia?
Thanks for your help as always! :D
Tue May 22, 2007, 02:41 PM
Hi erk, sorry mate on my honeymoon and my understanding wife wouldn't let me near a computer :P
You could try growing it on mats and then tying it to glass or slate or any flat rock, that how i grow java moss lawns. also if you've got it growing on the mats maybe plat them into your substrate to hole them down.
Tue May 22, 2007, 02:55 PM
Ahhh...nothing to be sorry about ILLUSN!! Congratulations on the marriage, and honeymoon! I hope you had a great time! Where did you go? I dont blame her for not letting you near a computer :lol:
Congrats again! :D
Thanks for the ideas...I will figure something out, I didnt wanna burry the grids, cause then I didnt think the riccia would get much light, so I just have rocks on top of the grids weighing things down, but im getting sick of seeing the grids! lol! Im just happy to see it growing outta the grids :D
I will keep my eye out for a piece of glass or something bigger and heavier I can attach the riccia to and get it to sink better
Thanks again!
Fri May 25, 2007, 03:14 PM
The 10lb cylinder arrived today :D Im waiting on the milwakee regulator with needle valve, and selanoid valve still....hopefully it arrives today, so i can hook everything up this weekend :D
Got the batteries for the work's digital camera charging for me to take home this weekend, for some "before" pressurized co2 shots :wink:
Thanks to all for your help! :D
Sun May 27, 2007, 05:21 PM
Got the 10lb cylinder filled yesterday....boy was it cold when they gave it back to me! haha
Here is a big of the cylinder...waiting for the reg :( Its not as big as i thought it was gonna be
Mon May 28, 2007, 12:23 AM
10lb will be plenty, should last you a good 6 months
Mon May 28, 2007, 02:04 PM
Thanks ILLUSN! Im hoping to turn it off at night with the selanoid, so hopefully it will last a lil longer then that, but we will see.....for $15US every 6 months, and amazing plant growth, I will be ok with it lasting 6months, but hopefully it will last longer
I really hope the reg arrives soon! :?
Thanks again! :D
Sun Jun 10, 2007, 02:26 AM
Got the cylinder and the reg hooked up, and the reactor.....and everything hooked up to the tank....seems like its working well! :D It was only on for about 7.5 hours today at one bubble per second, and it made my red sea co2 indicator go greenish, so i was happy to see that! :D No pearling yet tho :( I will be patient with it tho
My issue is, and I know ive gone through this before, when I had my bubble rate too fast using the NRG system, but my pH at lights off was about 6.4, usually 7.0....will check it again in the morning, right when the lights come on, but the selanoid worked, and clicked off when it was supposed. I have the timer for the lights set for longer on period on the weekends when Im home, so tomorrow will be interesting, cause the lights and co2 will be on for about 1an hour with the bubble wand in the morning, and then 10 hours without the bubble wand on, and then another 1 hour with the bubble wand, before it shuts off again....its the same regime during the week, but for only 10 hours.
So any suggestions on how to handle the pH swing would be great! I have pictures of everything, but I dont have the usb cord with me to upload right now.....still trying to see if I can borrow one from somebody
Thanks to everyone for their assistance, as always, its greatly appreciated! :D
Sun Jun 10, 2007, 05:44 AM
you'll still get swings unless you hook up a ph controler. if the fish look happy then it all should be fine, mine runs off a timer with a similar swing to yours and my fish spawn
Sun Jun 10, 2007, 01:48 PM
Thanks ILLUSN! They seem happy atm, I will be watching them closely today.....I hope this makes them spawn! hahaha! That would be great to see :D I doubt I will be able to do anything about it, but just getting to that stage would be great to see! They've been twitching and shaking at eachother for a lil bit now, but nothing happens that Im aware of
Im waiting for my lights to turn back on, so I can check to see what the pH went back up to.....soo I will update with that info in a minute
I just wanted to make sure I shouldnt be running the co2 with the bubble wand 24/7 or anything like that....maybe I should check around to see how much a pH controller is
Thanks again
Sun Jun 10, 2007, 02:02 PM
yep, lights on.....pH = 7.0
I will just keep my eyes on things for now
Thanks :D
Mon Jun 11, 2007, 12:44 PM
Here are some pics of the pressurized setup
Thanks! :D
Mon Jun 11, 2007, 12:46 PM
three more and thats it for this thread!
Thanks to everyone for your help! :D
Mon Jun 11, 2007, 01:06 PM
NICE WORK MATE!!! thats how you should have gone in the beginning, still live and learn, I think you'll be very happy with your fish,plants and tank from now on. good luck and keep us posted.
Mon Jun 11, 2007, 01:11 PM
:lol: Thanks very much ILLUSN!! I know, I def. should have went this route in the beginning! Def. a lesson learnt! I agree tho! I think I will be much happier with everything from here on! I cant wait to watch things grow, and have to trim all the time! :lol:
Thanks again for your help!
Mon Jun 11, 2007, 02:11 PM
looking good Eric
looks like u got it sussed :wink: sorry i havnt replied to ur emails, still getting bugger all time off work so i'm knacked by the time i get home :(
one thing i did notice is ur gauge on the right should be reading 10lbs on the "outer" set of numbers and from what i can see it's on 0 ?
this is what it should look like.
Mon Jun 11, 2007, 02:20 PM
Thanks Rob, It was a heck of project....didnt think it would be as tough as it problem about the emails...I know how things go with working lots! haha
I was trying to do this all friday night, and dont you know....I had a power outtage for almost 3 hours!!! :evil: So I had to wait until saturday to hook it up! I remember reading on the instructions to turn the knob until the gauge on the right said 10lbs, but it seemed to bubble wayyy to fast, even with me messing with the needle valve? Is your bubble counter completely full of water in that pic, or is that one not running in the pic?
I believe my right gauge says something just above 0? I will check it when I get do you recommend I go about messing with the knobs to get the right gauge to say 10? Just unplugg it to mess with it or what? I dont wanna OD the fishies in the process :)
I hope you get a day off sometime soon, just so you can relax a bit! :)
Thanks very much for your help! :D I will have to fix it up when I get home, but at least its working for now....pH def. down to 6.4 when the lights shut off
Mon Jun 11, 2007, 03:10 PM
haha i usually wait till my day off and do an all nighter when doing stuff like that, cause i know i will be going for a few hrs hehe :wink:
sorry to hear about the power outage, i know u were hanging to get it all setup.
to get ur right gauge up to 10lbs u will need too disconnect ur Co2 hose from the nipple on the bubble counter and put a towel around it cause u will loose a lot "most" of the water out of ur bubble counter wind it up till it gets there "i use about 8-9lbs" u need to be quick and wind ur needle valve in till ur getting around 1-2 bps or close to it, then unplug ur solenoid to stop the flow of Co2, re-connect ur C02 hose then re-fill ur bubble counter to halfway again and fine tune ur needle valve till u get around 1 bps.
my bubble counter in the pic is just about empty, been a bit slack topping it back up.
got the day off tomorrow thats why i'm on tonight for a bit.
but i'm not complaining cause i need the extra money for my new tank :wink: just the old body cant take it like it used too lol...
Mon Jun 11, 2007, 03:17 PM
Yeah, it def. took a few hours on saturday! :wink: Quite messy under the cabinet, cause I think the reactor got too long, but oh well, it works! haha
I was def. ready to go friday night until that happened, but oh well, its all done and over with now
I will mess with the knobs, and get this under control when I get home
Thanks much for the explanation....I think Im just overly cautious with all this! haha....dont wanna blow up that diaphram! Things should go fine tho!
Im glad you get a day off tomorrow....sure sounds like you could use one! Hope you have a good one.....enjoy it! :D
Good luck with the new tank when the time comes!
Thanks again!
Mon Jun 11, 2007, 09:53 PM
ok, reading of 10 or so on the "inside" set of numbers on the right gauge as the box says, 1 bps in the camera :( lol
I thought I broke the right gauge for a second, but its ok....whew! :lol:
Thanks very much! :D
Fri Jun 15, 2007, 11:50 PM
So tomorrow will be a week since the pressurized system got hooked up, and not real impressed with the results so far. I understand I cant expect miracles, and i am impatient, so maybe a week isnt long enough, but with it going at about 1 bps (about 70 bubbles a minute) I see a bubble in the tank along the back wall shoot up occasionally (not constantly) in TWO spots :?
Im curious also with the ferts, do you think I need to dose some things more cause I use RO water? with kent RO right? or should I add just add more kent RO right, for magnesium, and calcium? I have a kH of 4 and 1 bps or so drops my pH from 7 to 6.4 and I wanna raise the bubble count tonight, or tomorrow :? Also, what do you guys have your bubble count at with discus? I have a bubble wand that runs when the lights are off :) pretty much all in the signature if you wanna know more :wink:
Thanks much as always
Sat Jun 16, 2007, 01:27 AM
erk try 2 bps, if your running an airstone 24/7 (like me) 4bps
Sat Jun 16, 2007, 11:28 AM
Thanks ILLUSN! :D I will try 2 bps for now.....I was just worried it was gonna drop my pH even lower then 6.4 but maybe it wont?
But I will do my normal water change today and increase my bubble count
I will keep you posted
Thanks again :D
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