View Full Version : Wanting to do some sort of treatment to my pigeon?
Fri Apr 27, 2007, 10:04 PM
My LFS told me when I purchased my silver pigeon two weeks ago, and as instructed, I asked what they were feeding them, and they told me live blackworms, which I DONT feed to any of my fish, however I have noticed lately he seems to not be interested in food as much as he was when I first got him....last night I noticed he kinda swims with his mouth pointed towards the bottom of the tank? I was thinking about maybe de-worming him, but I havent had him very long, but I doubt they would do any de-worming of the fish at the LFS he came from. Pics of him at
Water parameters in the quarantine tank are....0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 10 nitrates, 87.9 degrees F.....25% water change daily
The meds I have are PraziPRO, Metronidazole Tablets, Sykes Big L Pig and Poultry, and Primafix/Melafix
Since im in the US, can someone suggest what to do, and when dosing, can you please tell me gallons? haha
Thanks! :D
Sat Apr 28, 2007, 12:40 AM
10ml of Big 'L' in a 20 gallon quarantine tank, no water changes for three days....sound right? Sounds like from reading the stickys it cant hurt to do it anyways? He used to eat well, but now he doesnt, and I need to get him big in the next week, so he can join his buddies in my planted tank! haha
No carbon? and what is suggested for feeding? Feed as usual?
Thanks very much :D
the german
Sat Apr 28, 2007, 01:33 AM
sounds right mate.
no carnbon,it takes the meds out,food you can ive but i would say just little amounts so it get eaten fast,its only three days so it wont starve him.
you should worm the whole lot,or is the pigeon still i n quarantine?
Sat Apr 28, 2007, 01:37 AM
Thanks a lot german
I should do the Big L and not PraziPRO at 1 teaspoon per 20 gallons? The pigeon is in quarantine, and he is the only the planted tank....are 3 discus, 12 cardinals, 1 otto, 1 cory cat, 1 queen arabesque, and 1 clown pleco? I dont mind doing both tanks, but I dont have any other tanks to move just the three discus to? Im done buying fish, so there hopefully wont be any more introduce to what I have right now
Also.....lights on or off??
Thanks again! :D
the german
Sat Apr 28, 2007, 02:06 AM
with big l you can let the lights on,maybe the pigeon is not happy because he is on his own...
so i think so faster you get him in the other tank so better.
Sat Apr 28, 2007, 02:19 AM
Thanks german....I was wondering about that too
So move him this weekend? He has only been in quarantine for 2 weeks today...then could I dose the big tank, with those tankmates, and plants? Once they are all in there? Or use the praziPRO in there? Or just hold off all together for like a week or so, and see how things go? He is still rather tiny IMO
Thanks again :D
the german
Sat Apr 28, 2007, 02:38 AM
sorry but i have no idea about plants :?
but some guys here have so i think they will tell you :D
2 weeks is not too bad,he looks good apart from the fact that he stays a bit on an angel.
do you treated the rest of the fish against worms?
when not its maybe a good idea to treat them all at once,but like i said i have no idea about plants and the other fish you have in there.
IMO the other fish have to go thru the treatment too otherwise you have some treated and some untreated fish and i think thats not desirable.
Sat Apr 28, 2007, 02:49 AM
Thanks german, I have only had discus now for about a month, so no I havent every treated any of them with anything...they came from a place I felt did a wondeful job with them, and with shipping them, and they looked wonderful from day one, and ate the next day, so i never felt the need to give them any type of treatment....i will wait and see what some others have to say about things, and I think waiting until they are all together would be the way to go
Thanks a lot for your help :D
Sat Apr 28, 2007, 06:27 AM
levamisol1-2mgs per litre , so depends on th concentration of your parent stock
praziquantel2-10mgs /litre for upto 4 hour bath
niether of these medications affect plants
aerate well with praziquantel
Sat Apr 28, 2007, 02:01 PM
Thanks andrew
I will plan on moving the pigeon into the big tank tonight or tomorrow night, and then treat the big tank with one of the meds as listed.
Mon Apr 30, 2007, 12:18 AM
I moved the pigeon last night, and I was able to watch him with the moonlights on and he didnt sit on the bottom or anything...within about a half hour, he was getting chased and seem to be showing all the actions im used to seeing from my other 3. However, today I noticed, the other three dont really let him down to the soil to eat, so I have been putting flakes in to see if he will eat those. I guess I will watch things and see how they go over this week, and then decide how and what to treat them with.
Tank looks really neat with the four of them in there!! :D Will get pics up tomorrow..gotta snag the digital camera from work :D
Thanks :D
Mon Apr 30, 2007, 02:10 PM
Im thinking of using the praziPRO....the bottle says it can be used as a preventive measure, so I think thats the way to go for now. Any suggestions or recommendations before dosing the main tank? Will my other fish be ok during this treatment?
Thanks a lot! :D
Tue May 01, 2007, 01:14 PM
Here are some pics....same as whats in the photo album section, but I figured they would fit in here as well...the pigeon is in the big tank...been there since saturday night, and he eats now (when he isnt getting bashed) but he still just hangs out on an angle??
I didnt treat the tank with the praziPRO yet, but I prolly will this weekend, unless someone has a better idea?
Thanks! :D
Fri May 04, 2007, 12:43 PM
Well I did about a 35% water change on wednesday, and added praziPRO to my buckets of fresh water, I think per the directions, and nobody seemd bothered by it in the tank, all seem to be settling down a lil bit better, I dont see any worms or anything, and they eat, like they did before, but the reason I say they are settling down a lil bit, is because the ocean green is no longer the bottom of the totum pole...he picks on the scorpion, and the big ribbon picks on everyone, but thats ok...for the most part the scorpion, and the new lil pigeon dont seem to get picked on and chased as much as before, and yesterday they were staring at me shortly before feeding time, while I was looking at them, and the tank, so I guess they are getting a lil more used to me. The directions on the bottle say not to re-dose the praziPRO until 3-5 days after initial dose, so I will just hang out and watch things for a lil while
Thanks everyone for your help! :D
the german
Fri May 04, 2007, 12:54 PM
glad to hear that erk,looks like you get everything under control now.
IMO nothing is better than watch a bunch of strong healthy discus swim in a plante tank.
Fri May 04, 2007, 01:00 PM
Thanks German, I really hope so....they seemed ok before dosing, but since the bottle said "can be used as a preventative" I figured I will get some in there, and since the dose was only based on the new 15 gallons or so of new fresh water, the end result was that the dose isnt even close to the amount it would have been to treat all 46 gallons, so I dunno how much it helped, but at the same it def. isnt too much, so I will keep my eye on things, but they seem ok, and the pigeon isnt on an angle as often now.
I will feed them lady red's beefheart mix tonight too....Im very anxious to see how that goes! I made it on tuesday, but I didnt get around to feeding them it yet. It was a hit in the saltwater tank a couple guys have running at work, so I was happy to see that! :D
Thanks again! :D
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