View Full Version : Re-scaped the 4ft tank

Fri Apr 27, 2007, 07:44 AM
been very buisy the last cpl of days and changed the lay out of my 4ft tank as it was getting to over grown with pearl grass and got sick of trimming it all the time. so i pulled all the pearl grass out.
i ended up pulling most of the plants out which made a hell of a mess and found that the flora base substrate was just creating too much dust so i put a layer of polished 3mm black gravel on top.
took out all the wood and replaced it with some red/brown rock i got from my lfs and cut the plants back a fair bit too.
this is still a work in progress, but this is what it looks like so far...
also added 3prs of German blue rams too and got rid of the dredded yoyo loaches....
when i finally get pressurised C02 on this tank also going to add some glosso and riccia....

scott bowler
Fri Apr 27, 2007, 08:12 AM
the tank once again looks awesome mate , love your work well done

Fri Apr 27, 2007, 08:52 AM
Sensational Tank!!
Good Job :)

Fri Apr 27, 2007, 11:11 AM
I really liked the look of the pearlweed & was a little disappointed when you said you'd pulled it, but seeing the photos, I like this much better!

Once again, you've shown great taste & imagination. Well done!

Fri Apr 27, 2007, 11:27 AM
thx guys :)
i liked the look of the pearlweed to, but it was too much work and i'm getting lazy :P
i have lots of rooted pearlweed left if u want it, but would have to be soon as it's been without light for 2 days now.