View Full Version : Help finding riccia?

Thu Apr 26, 2007, 02:26 PM
I have been trying to find some riccia for my tank, I would like to put it on the driftwood, and on the substrate for a carpet affect, however, I just cant seem to find it anywhere....can anyone recommend somewhere in the states for me to try?? I would really appreciate it

Thanks! :D

Thu Apr 26, 2007, 11:46 PM
This is where mine is coming from...
comes on a piece of glass. so I'll see how I go...


Fri Apr 27, 2007, 12:05 AM
Cool Thanks ellwa....I will check out that site too, and see if it seems like they may ship my way....good luck, I hope it works out for you! :D

Mon May 14, 2007, 02:56 PM
Found some riccia a lil while, from a site that ships to me :D

Should be arriving today, so I went out yesterday to get some grids, to try to use to make the riccia be a "ground cover"

Got the idea from some website as I was searching for a place that would ship to me

Im gonna try to walk through how Im gonna do it with some pics

Gonna take two grids, with the riccia in between them, then use some fishing line around the edges of the grids, to keep them tight together, with the riccia in the middle, then I can burry the whole grid thing, and take the whole grid thing out to trim :D We will have to see how things go

here are the grids Im talking about

Thanks :D I will update this as I proceed this evening

Mon May 14, 2007, 10:46 PM
And here are the grids with the riccia in the middle....im so excited...I looked for this stuff everywhere! hahaha :D But its here

I saw this technique on a website somewhere, only the person used staples to close his....I tide mine up with fishing line, right now the rocks that it initially came on is weighing the mat down

Any suggestions on how to fix that safetly? I used some of the riccia that fell off during shipment for my grid :wink: :D The stones did create quite a lil bit of "debris" when placed in the tank

Im anxious to see how it goes tho! :D Im still letting my bubble wand run in the tank right now, due to "other" recent issues

Thanks :D

Mon May 14, 2007, 10:51 PM
Last one :D

Tue May 15, 2007, 12:59 PM
should look great when it grows through m8, keep us updated with the progress pls :)
is that riccia tied to rocks too ?

Tue May 15, 2007, 01:04 PM
I will def. do that, cause Im very interested in how it grows! :D I want a nice carpet effect, and maybe later on down the road when I get the hang of it, I will try it on the driftwood, but for now, Im after the carpet effect :D

The riccia had to be ordered, and delivered on those rocks, I have four of those rocks in there, the same way they arrived, and I took the loose stuff that fell off during shipping and was laying in the transport bag, and put that in between my matts :D

Im hoping I can get the matts to wanna sink, but Im not sure how to do that right now, and safetly also! So I have the rocks on top to hold them down. As it grows, I will put more riccia in the other matts Im not using and try to spread it all over the substrate

Tue May 22, 2007, 01:13 PM
Im starting to see some riccia poke through my grids (with low co2) until this weekend :D but im still curious how to make the grids sink? Are there weights somewhere that are "fish tank safe"?

Thanks :D

Tue May 22, 2007, 02:13 PM
once it grows through more u can probably just poke the corners under the gravel a bit, i'm sure it will take off when u get ur pressurised setup :wink:

Tue May 22, 2007, 02:23 PM
Ok, thats prolly the safest bet! I will just hang on for a lil bit...Im sure the pressurized system will really make it take off, and then I wont know what to do with everything! :lol: I would just prefer to take those rocks out, but no biggie....soon enough! :wink:

Thanks :D