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View Full Version : Cloudy Eye

Wed Apr 25, 2007, 01:19 PM
Hi All,

First problem i have experienced with my two discus.

They are both seem really healthy... eating and swiming well.... except one has a cloudy eye... this occured after i did a 25% water change last night... given that other than the eye being cloudy im wondering if it knocked it some how.... after reading the website and similar problems i put some salt in the tank and cleaned out another 25% of the water.... 0 amonia and Ph is at 7.0.

If anyone has any thoughts of where i should take it from here i would be appreciate it... thinking to do another 25% water change tomorrow night aswell.



Sat Jul 14, 2007, 11:20 AM
hi mate

first things first,your temp should be 28-30 and you need to lower your ph. 7.0 is the top of the discus range,you can get a ph buffer to 6.8 or you could add some rain water with your next water change,powder ph adjusters can be brought allso,allthough i have found these to be to sudden and temporary,you should know that 6.0 is 10 times softer than 7.0.as for the white eye if your water condition is good and lowering ph doesnt help,give it time it may have injured it, hope this helps,



Sat Jul 14, 2007, 11:31 AM
Hi there,

I agree with Daniel in regard to the temperature, but I personally believe that a ph of 7 is fine. I have been keeping my discus in a ph of 7 for the past 2 years and they are quite happy. I have also read of some people keeping discus in even higher ph.

If you were intending to breed then I would probably attempt to lower the ph. but other than that I think the less you do chemically to your water the better. (this is just my opinion though, everybody is different)

If you did want to lower the ph you could also try using peat as that can help to lower the ph naturally.

Just ensure that your water conditioner/ager is doing its job and eliminating chloramines as well as chlorine.

What you have done seems the adequate course of action. Just keep an eye on them and maintain regular water changes etc.

Where are you located... it may be helpful for you to know that discus like soft water. For people like me in Melbourne that is great because our water is naturally soft, if you are in a hard water area you may want to try softening the water a little.

good luck