View Full Version : Newbie, where to start.

Thu Oct 07, 2004, 03:18 PM
I was buying plants the other day to start aquariums again and notice Discus display tank.. I'd always wanted Discus for like 2 years now but never got around so.. without any real research I just brought two small ones (about head to tail of 7-10cm max). Thinking if they dont go so well in a 3 foot planted community tank then I could move it to a wide 2 1/2 catfish tank (maybe 30-40% larger then 3footer in space).

I would move to a 6 foot but perfer to not for at least a few months.

Well 2 days now and the discus seems to do fine and its eating / moving around.

Notice they dont like the lighting much as move time they swim mostly around the shade areas the most.

I have been feeding them just bloodworms because I notice ages ago about bloodworm feeders and a discus image on the product.

Here are my questions:

1) Any one know any specific reliable information page about Discus info?
2) I think mine were cobalt discus listed at $50 a piece. From a far, mostly blue but in closer, the body has a red middle while leading to blue. Its fins are all blue. The only markins are there is a black line down its eye and red/blue nice marking on bototm fin only. Does this both discus main body is going to be a boring red to a gradient blue? or will as they get to adults, they marking show?

3) Are these guys avalible in Aus and how much do they go for, their common name would be good also.
This one seems to be called red female Turquoise..

4)My only concern is seen the discus take a few bites out of my plants and spit it out :(

Located in Adelaide for about 7 months now, if any Adelaide users around. Know where to souce these good looking guys from?

Much Appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

Thu Oct 07, 2004, 03:55 PM
Vinh,, and welcome to the forum. You have come to the right place. Lots of people here to answer your questions, so fire away. Lots of discus people started out just the way you did, but now that you have the babies, its time to do some pretty serious reading. Start with the general discus questions section, and then move to water and foods.
A few quick pointers -
Discus like shade, so that is why your babies are mostly in the shaded part of your tank
They are shy fish and usually do not do well with rough and tumble tankmates.
Discus are slow feeders, and may miss out on food in a community tank.
They prefer really warm water (around 30 degrees) which is usually too warm for most other tropicals.
Feed them a balanced diet of worms, beefheart and dry food.
Water must be clean - very clean, so you will need to change about 30% of the tank water at least 3 times a week.

Good luck and again welcome.

Thu Oct 07, 2004, 09:26 PM
Welcome Vinh...

to answer your questions...

1) Any one know any specific reliable information page about Discus info?

Yes, www.discusforums.com

3) Are these guys avalible in Aus and how much do they go for, their common name would be good also.

My ones in the second photo, RSG's (Red Spotted Greens), Pearl Turqs, Spotted Snakeskin...


Turqs are widely available and cheap if going through a breeder or specialist retailer.

Fri Oct 08, 2004, 12:48 AM
Hay Vinh,

welcome to the flipside LOL

water is the biggest thing people get wrong

keep it at 30 deggrees cel and keep it clean, lots of water changes

discus like to do lots of poo, this fouls up the water quicker than most so keep the wtaer changes goin, don't forget to heat the water your about to change with, get a nice big water drum throw in a heater and airstone in and get it to the same temp and then use that water.

be careful of your tankmates, discus are slow pokey eaters, especially when they are intimidated by the surronds. try nice peaceful fish with your discus.or just discus.

always quarentine your fish

other than that the rest is preety easy

have fun

Sat Oct 09, 2004, 08:53 AM
Ohh 30 Degrees... I been keeping my tank at 25. Does a 5 degree make a difference enough to get a new tank asap for them?

For the feeding bit, even though I have bunch of neons and so... they usually grab a nice chuck in their mouth before it all melts and flys all over the tank so other neons all grab it.

Are these guys aggresive against their own or against community type of fish when size becomes a big difference between each other/community mates?

I know oscars seems to be agreesive but with their own size or close, they leave them alone... Any chance they can mix?

Yeah, Im proberly the first one to ask that :P

I will start to go over few threads to find out more about them.


Sat Oct 09, 2004, 09:16 AM
Discus sources in Adelaide......
Speak to Simon at Reynella aquariums


Mark at Aggies Aquariums, all depending on where in Adelaide you are at.

Top blokes..

Sat Oct 09, 2004, 09:25 AM
Vinh - That really is the first time I have heard someone ask if they can keep discus with oscars - the short answer is 'no'. The long answer is, that's gonna give you all sorts of problems with feeding and water pollution. Temperature will be another big problem.

Discus are not aggressive towards other fish, in fact they are usually intimidated by any form of aggression. They can be a bit scrappy towards their own, so we usually advise keeping them in groups of 6 or so. That way you dont end with one always being the underdog.

Discus need warm water, and that means at least 28 degrees, preferably 29 - 30. If you have your water at 25, that is way too low for young discus.

Sat Oct 09, 2004, 09:27 AM
discus and oscars don't mix

30 degrees and yes the 5 degree will make a BIG difference

get tham another tank if you can

they will grow like the dickens if you do