View Full Version : Tomek's discus

Wed Apr 18, 2007, 02:20 AM
My discus tank has been running for a few months now. It's 72 gallons with 16 discus (between 2 and 3").

Lots of pictures hosted on my web site (last pages are newest)

Wed Apr 18, 2007, 02:42 AM
thats way to many discus for that tank. General rule of thumb 1 discus per 10 gal . Its alright once there small but when they grow up its a different story

Wed Apr 18, 2007, 03:00 AM
I'm planning on getting another tank soon but until then they will have to stay in this one. I think it's no problem as they are only 2 or 3" for now :)

Wed Apr 18, 2007, 04:20 AM
Hi Strzelec4,

Welcome to the forum!

Do you have a whole tank shot for us? It sounds like it would look impressive!

scott bowler
Wed Apr 18, 2007, 05:49 AM
welcome wow you have a lot of fish there in that tank , you will have to show us some more pics as they grow good luck

Wed Apr 18, 2007, 07:11 AM
Don't worry its a common mistake to go putting to many discus in a tank when you first start out. We did the same thing even though we asked advise on how many we could have in our 2 x 63 gallon tanks we were told 12 in each absolute rubbish as we found out to our cost in the end. Ok they were fine while small but once grown the trouble began. We lost around 8 discus in the end. We now have 8 in each tank which seems just about right. They all seem to be happy and healthy now apart from a couple of small ones that i think are razorback. :cry: They will be fine for now but i am glad to hear you will be getting another tank well done :wink: Your tank and discus look great by the way :wink:

Wed Apr 18, 2007, 09:58 AM
whats your nitrate and ammonia reading?

yep im sure you have the idea now,, move them before you lose them.

good luck and please post pics on development always good to see fish progress on the photos section.

Wed Apr 18, 2007, 11:14 AM
CO2 injection at 20ppm
lighting = 4x 65W(6700K) + 2 lunar light(running at night)
nitrate =0
ammonia =0
Filter=Fluval 405