View Full Version : New Discus Settling in OK?
Thu Apr 05, 2007, 02:31 AM
It's been just over a month since I got 6 new juvies (2.5" each). They all seem to be doing ok. They all seem to be eating although they don't appear to be voracious eaters. Don't really beg for food, but they eat. I have other fish in the tank, so I don't really know how much each guy is eating. Also, they don't really seem very active. They swim around here and there, but a lot of times they just hang out and don't really do much. Sometimes they are dark and sometimes they look fine. I do about 60 to 70% water changes every three days. Just wondering how they should be behaving ... No real aggression issues that I can see. I have one big discus in the tank (5") and the big guy leaves the little guys alone pretty much, and the little guys do pick on each other but not that much. And no one guy is being picked on more than others. Should I be concerned? I don't feel I am quite out of the woods yet. I am somewhat uneasy...
mistakes r crucial
Thu Apr 05, 2007, 07:08 AM
Hi Dxt,
Young Discus, if they are in tip top shape and live in totally stress free conditions, IME, will beg for food and eat at any time. However, this doesn't mean that anything less than that and they are doomed, it just points to the fact that things may not be ideal. What else do you have in the tank apart from the larger Discus? How big is the largest Discus in the tank?
Personally I don't like having any other fish in the tank when I am trying to grow very young Discus, it can be done most certainly but IMO it is not the way to give them their best start. If your fish are to go straight in to a community situation I would be buying larger stock than 5cms, probably around 8-10cms, it will help minimize any potential health problems.
Apart from that, try and relax and enjoy them, they'll most certainly tell you if something is really wrong.
Thu Apr 05, 2007, 08:06 AM
Healthy discus should
1. come to the front of the tank when you enter the room.
2. want to eat all the time, even with full bellies for juveniles less so for adults.
3. be spread out in the tank and not huddled together.
4. challenge and chase each other.
5. not be shy or skittish.
5. not look skinny
IME alot of problems are due to flukes, which then leads to hex if not treated.
Wed Apr 11, 2007, 02:22 AM
Well, my 6 new juvies, now 5 weeks in my tank, seem to be doing OK, but doesn't sound like they are in their "tip-top" shape. I haven't lost any yet (knock on wood).
- They are eating, but don't beg for food (by no means, good eaters)
- They do chase each other, but not real active. Kinda hang out in one area a lot of the time
- They are not thin (I guess this is a good sign)
- Color seems OK (not dark)
I have them in a 90G tank, but I have lots of other tank mates. None of them are bothering the discus, but I do see rams chasing the new guys now and then (very briefly when they do). Other than small tetras, the tank mates are:
- One 5" discus (he is not bothering the new guys, but come to think of it, his behavior is not that different from the new guys)
- Three 4" clown loaches
- Two 4" bosemani rainbows
- Two 2.5" German Blue Rams
- Two 2.5" Bolivian Rams
I do 70% water changes every three days, so I don't think water quality is an issue. Good parameters over all. I added some Epsom Salt three days ago after reading adding salt may help. And I raised the temp yesterday to 86 F (~30C) after realizing my tank was at 82F (~28C). I think the new guys are little bit more active since I raised the temp, but not really sure. Is there anything I can do to make sure that these guys make it OK? By the way, I am feeing cichlid pellets, frozen bloodworms, and frozen brine shirmp. Thanks!
mistakes r crucial
Wed Apr 11, 2007, 03:51 AM
Whoever mentioned salt was probably referring to rock or sea salt not Epsom Salts. ES won't do them any harm but it is not for general use, it's used specifically to help get rid of any blockages and give them a bit of a clean out, bit like Brussel Sprouts and Metamucil in humans :lol:
Wed Apr 11, 2007, 06:43 AM
your fish seem fine.
I too have young discus and they dont beg for food, they always initially scamper when i enter the room but after a short while they are out and about eating and chasing each other like usual.
post a picture or two im curious!
Thu Apr 12, 2007, 02:18 AM
I will post some pics when I get a chance. I used Epsom Salt because one of the guys seemed like he had a swollen stomach. Is there any reason to use regular salt? Anyhow, they seem to be doing better. All of them seem to be more active in the last couple of days. 4 of 6 are a lot more active than the two, but overall, I think things are improving. May be raising the temperature is helping. I have my fingers crossed.
Tue Apr 17, 2007, 02:40 AM
I took some pics today. My young discus seem more active late at night (after 9pm). Now, it's 10:30 and everybody is out and about. I think 4 are doing well, 1 seems to be doing ok, and 1 not ok. Please take a look and let me know your thoughts. Also, one of the guys not doing well passed a long white lining looking thing. Hard to tell from the pics, but any comments would be greatly appreciated.
White Lining:
Sick Discus?:
Another Sick Discus?
Group Pic:
Another Group Pic:
Last Group Pic:
Wed May 02, 2007, 12:27 PM
Another update. Now it's been 2 months since the addition of 6 new guys. 4 are doing really well. 1 is doing ok (started eating more and more active). Still concerned about the last one, but hopeful he/she will pull through (I have seen him picking at food and seems more active although noticeably thinner than the others). Have been deligent with the 75% water changes every three days.
Also, added two more juvies yesterday. A blue diamond and brilliant turquoise. They both seem to have settled in OK. No issues, yet. Looking forward to a tankful of discus. I have my fingers crossed.
Wed May 02, 2007, 01:21 PM
Your fish look good dntx5b9 :)
I am new to discus as you know, but in the evening hours, one of my 96watt compact floros shuts off, leaving one still on, and during this discus seem much happier, and much more active, and thats usually when I try to feed....shortly before bedtime. What is your pH? Sorry if I missed this somewhere. Like I said, Im new to the hobby....and the other night I had some pH issues due to a new co2 system, and it dropped my pH down from 7.0 to 6.4 and I also think they liked it better when it was lower:? .....its back up to 7.0 now.
I have four in my tank now, and they all seem to fly off and hide whenever I walk up to the tank, so I think in the beginning this is normal, and they may take a while to settle. Maybe you could try some tetra color bits? Mine seem to like them.....and Hikari discus pellets...they really like those! :D
Good luck :D
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