View Full Version : Eggs and Fry and water conditions

Wed Apr 04, 2007, 01:36 PM
Hello All,

Well it finally happened and it's my first time. My mum's Tangerine and Snakeskin have paired and laid eggs unexpectidly on the intake stem of the tanks' filter. They are in a twenty gallon tank with a small bristlenose, small freshwater flounder, and a snail.

My question is in regards to water changes and eggs and fry. What can I do? I usually change 33% of their water once a week and every month replace the carbon and zeocarb in the cannister filter. At every water change I add stress coat, stress zyme, discus essentials, and discus PH buffer.

Can I keep to this normal routine with Eggs and Fry? If not what is the best way to do water changes with babies?

I really gotta invest in a good book for Discus. Any ideas anyone.


Fri Apr 06, 2007, 07:34 PM
TTT, anybody have any ideas?

the german
Sat Apr 07, 2007, 11:10 AM
just do nothing till they swim,and then you can do small WC,feed only litle amounts of food and see how it goes,dont switch the light of!!!!!!!
the BN will eat the egs

Sat Apr 07, 2007, 11:22 AM
Sorry, I don't know about your original question, though I'd guess all of the tankmates (including the snails) would be after the eggs. I've heard that if you leave the lights on 24/7 it will give the parents a better chance of protecting them.

I'd also guess that if the eggs were laid under those conditions, something is working, so don't change your routine now without good reason.

Oh, and they often seem to have a few practice runs before getting it right, so don't panic! (Says me, the big panicker.)

I'm ready to stand corrected on ay or all of the above.

As far as the book goes, I just got a copy of Andrew Soh's "Discus the Naked Truth", and it has been very informative. ASA still have it on special.

Sun Apr 08, 2007, 09:09 AM
leave the light 24/7.
The cats and snail will not eat the eggs/wrigglers.

Sun Apr 08, 2007, 10:08 AM
Thanks Crocky! I bow to your greater wisdom & experience.