View Full Version : NTD plage!! s**t!
Wed Apr 04, 2007, 07:08 AM
Ive just had to kill all neon tetras in my ank due to ntd! well, except for the only one i cannot catch but will in a mo! What symptoms should i look out for in my discus? Im so so worried incase she will catch it! I also have a congo tetra, will he be a treat to carry this ntd? Anyone will experience in this?
Wed Apr 04, 2007, 10:58 AM
Neon tetra disease is cause by a tiny parasite that enters the body of a fish when it picks at an infected fish. Once the parasite enters the gut, the cysts hatch and burrow into the muscle wall, causing death of the surrounding tissue.
I'm sure you know, there is no cure for Neon Tetra Disease.
The only thing you can do is to try to prevent the spread to the other tankmates, and that means removing and destroying all the affected fish.
Strict hygiene practices will also go a long way to removing the parasite from the tank, although you rarely ever eliminate it fully. Thorough gravel vacuuming and frequent water changes are important, but probably the most important of all, remove any fish that shows any sign of the disease. The sooner you do this, the better.
Typical signs are the fish no longer schooling with the rest of it's kind, white patches on the body as the underlying muscle tissue dies, lumps on the body and curvature of the spine
Wed Apr 04, 2007, 11:38 AM
I have just bought protozin and maybey this will help. one of my guipes dies this morning. Its a good job I have just bought a new tank.(fresh start) Im worried for my discus, her back tail sometimes seens to bend on one side. Dont know if it was like this before! Im so gutted! Do you know if it was caused by dead snails? I have wormed the tank and i had a lot of snails and they died
Wed Apr 04, 2007, 01:11 PM
NoI don't think snails are carriers. Tubifex worms certainly are, but the main source of contamination is from picking at other infected fish, that's why it's so important to remove any fish that is showing early signs of infection.
If there are a lot od dead snails in the tank, you should check your ammonia levels, and remove as many of the dead snails as possible.
Are you sure it's neon disease. Where they showing loss of colour on the red parts of the body. A high ammonia reading may be responsible for some of the deaths.
Wed Apr 04, 2007, 01:39 PM
NoI don't think snails are carriers. Tubifex worms certainly are, but the main source of contamination is from picking at other infected fish, that's why it's so important to remove any fish that is showing early signs of infection.
If there are a lot od dead snails in the tank, you should check your ammonia levels, and remove as many of the dead snails as possible.
Are you sure it's neon disease. Where they showing loss of colour on the red parts of the body. A high ammonia reading may be responsible for some of the deaths.Im sure tubifex worms has caused this as i have been feeding it in the last few weeks. Its hard to tell if the other fish has this disease. I have took all the neons from the tank and this morning my guppie died.
The Ammonia is at 0. It must be neon disease because 2 out of 7 had blotches on their tails and one had developed a curved spine!
I had approx 20 malasian snails in the tank and sure have scooped atleast half of them
Thanks for the reply
Thu Apr 05, 2007, 04:00 AM
Well that certainly sounds like neon tetra disease.
Now it's just a matter of waiting and see what happens.
Tubifex worms are bad news. They breed them in raw sewerage, so they carry all sorts of diseases. I know fish love them, but they cause lots of problems.
Good luck. We're thinking of you.
Thu Apr 05, 2007, 09:44 AM
Well that certainly sounds like neon tetra disease.
Now it's just a matter of waiting and see what happens.
Tubifex worms are bad news. They breed them in raw sewerage, so they carry all sorts of diseases. I know fish love them, but they cause lots of problems.
Good luck. We're thinking of you.A guppy has just died. Had no sighns of ntd! So should i avoid tubifex? even only feed discus with them? I have ordered some protozin to try clear some disease
mistakes r crucial
Thu Apr 05, 2007, 08:08 PM
Don't feed Tubifex full stop, period. There are plenty of good foods on the market without taking unnecessary risks.
Fri Apr 06, 2007, 10:06 AM
Thanks everyone, ive had n other casualtys so far. have noticed one neon and cannot catch it. This one looks healthy but should I take the risk and leave hime in the tank?
Tue Apr 10, 2007, 04:40 AM
If you can't catch him, then he must be pretty healthy, but keep an eye on him and any other tetras for the first sign of disease.
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