View Full Version : Decisions to make.
Sun Oct 03, 2004, 12:45 AM
I used to have 14 tanks up and running. As I lost fish and consolidated tanks, I've gotten myself down to a more manageable five. I'm interested in setting up one more tank, a 30 gallon long that I have stored in my closet. I have two options that I am considering for this tank.
Option 1:
I haven't had much luck with Apistos but I was thinking of giving them another shot, specifically the A. cacatuoides. I was leaning towards keeping one or two males with multiple females. Other tankmates would include a school of cardinal or neon tetras and an Ancistrus.
This tank will be peat filtered.
Option 2:
Threadfin rainbows. This would basically be a species only tank with perhaps some Kuhli loaches as he only other residents.
Thoughts? All suggestions will be appreciated.
Sun Oct 03, 2004, 05:14 AM
Your asking this question on a discus forum?? not a good move as most answers will be biast :wink:
Probably go with the apistos
Sun Oct 03, 2004, 05:53 AM
ROFL!! That's why I asked it here.;)
I'm biased towards discus too and already have a 75 gallon with discus in it. Also, have a two tanks full of angels, already have rams and have some Tanganyikan tanks too.
I'm leaning more towards the Apistos.:D
Sun Oct 03, 2004, 06:04 AM
Cause discus would even be better. :wink:
Sun Oct 03, 2004, 06:20 AM
I would go with the Apistos...
and if that didnt succeed as planned, more Discus
Sun Oct 03, 2004, 06:30 AM
:P Okay, so that's two votes for Apistos and well...more discus. I had to drain a 55 gallon this week because the centerbrace cracked all of the way through and I didn't want the tank shattering before I could order a new part from All-glass.
Apistos and Discus are a thought but from what I have seen so far, Apistos like cooler temps (mid-70's) than the discus do.
Maybe I should just get the 55 fixed and get more discus.;)
Sun Oct 03, 2004, 01:21 PM
Maybe I should just get the 55 fixed and get more discus
Now you are talkin my language...
Tue Oct 05, 2004, 12:11 AM
okay I think you know what I would vote for but since it wasn't on your list of choices I think I would go along with everyone else.
Tue Oct 05, 2004, 02:48 PM
chalk me up for a discus tank vote :)
i love the help people give around here.... hahahhaa
Wed Oct 06, 2004, 09:03 AM
while your'e asking...
it's obvious, you sell the 30 gallon, buy a much larger one and FILL it with discus?? What else would any sane person do??
Wed Oct 06, 2004, 10:12 AM
You know, that 30 gallon is just the right size for a breeding pair of discus. Don't know how you could go past that option :wink:
Thu Oct 07, 2004, 12:53 AM
Ya know, I do have a breeding pair of red melons in the 75 gallon that haven't spawned since they were moved. ;)
Thu Oct 07, 2004, 08:09 AM
i can't belive you thought you get any other answer
what other choice really matters
Thu Oct 07, 2004, 08:12 AM
D is for Discus
Chris McMahon
Thu Oct 07, 2004, 09:05 AM
I thought I'd try somthing different and have set my 4' up with rainbows and a pair of bns.
I've 6x Melanotaenia boesemani and 10x Melanotaenia splendida inornata.
They are just starting to get their colors. Here's a few examples (not mine) of adults.
Thu Oct 07, 2004, 09:17 AM
The inornata have just gone to the top of my new shoppings list... I want more details...
Chris McMahon
Thu Oct 07, 2004, 09:27 AM
I want more details...More Info. (
I paid $9 each for ~5cm. Three weeks later they are about 7cm. I lost 3 out of the first 10 within the first 48 hours, then 1 out of the 3 replacements again within 48 hours. So I'd say they don't react to well to being moved. However, after the first 3 days they settle in fine and I haven't had a loss. I think they are sensitive to pH variances.
I keep mine in a 200L 4' tank, med. plantings, a fair bit of wood and around 28-29C, ph 7.1-7.2. Feed 3 times a day, twice with breeders premium, once with frozen bloodworms - they hand feed and are quite veracious. LFS says they can grow up to 10cm.
Thu Oct 07, 2004, 10:28 AM
funny looking discus :?
Great fish, chris..
Thu Oct 07, 2004, 02:06 PM
Inornata are nice.... I used to keep a school of them when I had my plant tank. I had the grow to full size (about 4"), fully coloured up. They were pretty tough little fishies.
M.trifasciata "Wonga Creek" is one of my favs.. Worth looking for those. The cheaper, less pretty (but still damn good looking), more commonly available are the M.trifasciata 'Goyder River".
... but why are we talking about Rainbow fish in a discus forum???? :oops:
Thu Oct 07, 2004, 08:23 PM
Awesome pictures of some great looking rainbows. Thanks for sharing them. I have some Boesmani but they are all females, I still need to pick up a couple of males for the tank they are in.
Tue Oct 19, 2004, 06:51 AM
Those Rainbows are awesome! Nice tank too..
Bryan, good to have you back!!!!
:shock: But already know the answer to the question you asked..right? If not here is a clue... :P
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus
:mrgreen: Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus Discus.. :wink:
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