View Full Version : Bare bottom Tank with bottom swimmer fish??

Sat Oct 02, 2004, 12:05 AM
hi all,

just wondering what will be a good bottom swimmer fish to go inside a BB tank with discus??

i want a bottom swimmer fish so that it can stir up the bottom of the tank as it moves around so the filter can suck the waste away!! But dont want it to scare the discus away.

i prefer a catfish of some sort, if you can plz post a pic so i know what fish i m looking for.


Sat Oct 02, 2004, 01:40 AM
corydoras ! and they are awesome ;)

Sat Oct 02, 2004, 05:13 AM
Yep croies, they are awesome! Got a ton of personality too.

Sat Oct 02, 2004, 07:23 AM
Sorry I noticed that you asked for pics,

the most common I seem to find of corydoras are the leopards, albino and peppered. I have 3 peppered in my community tank, but because they are my longest fish buddies and they like the community tank I have not had the heart to move them to my bb discus tank. I will probably buy some leopards soon ...

As flukes said they have plently of personality ... they are fat little guys, that love to sunbake, mine usually all sunbake together ... and now and then make a made rush for the surface (but not to jump).

I have regravelled my community tank today so everyone seems to be a little upset, but I managed to get one picture of one of my guys hiding at the back ...

also here are some links to pictures...
Leopards Corydoras


Albino and Peppered


Sat Oct 02, 2004, 07:30 AM
here you go I asked them to pose so they obliged,

Sat Oct 02, 2004, 07:50 AM
Absolutely cories. So cute and comical. Keep them in a group of at least 6. They love company.

Sat Oct 02, 2004, 05:22 PM
You should try to include one or two catfish of the ancistrus family. Bristle-nose or bushy-nosencats. They're like plecos but only grow to 5 or 6 inches long. They eat algae, slime and left over food. My tank is 75 gallons and I have:
6 discus
6 neons
5 albino corys
2 bristle-nosed cats
Later, Ray

Sat Oct 02, 2004, 10:14 PM
i wouldnt say c. leopardus is the most common species available in lfs, in fact i never seen them available in any shop. common cory would be albino, peppered, bronze, aenus, sterbai, trilineatus and panda. in some ocassion rarer species like adolfoi but they carry higher price tag :o and those cory labelled as c. julii are mislabelled c. trilineatus :x

Sun Oct 03, 2004, 12:40 AM
:wink: nice to know someone who know's their corydoras. C.julii = C.trilineatus almost everywhere around the world in most LFS. ;)

Sun Oct 03, 2004, 01:55 AM
And that was explained in one of the links I gave,



Sun Oct 03, 2004, 10:09 AM
Thx for all the replies

i bought 4 cories today (2 albino, 2 bronze) see how they do in a bb tank.
will buy more later !!

Sun Oct 03, 2004, 11:59 AM
Cories are addictive.

Sun Oct 03, 2004, 12:12 PM
addictive and need less space to house 8) i started with a couple of c. trilineatus and c. aenus albino ...then c. sterbai ... c. atropersonatus ... c. panda ... the list growing steadily .... :shock:

for now they will stay in my discus tank ...until they reach the maturity size then they will have their own little tank :wink:

Mon Oct 04, 2004, 07:05 AM
what do people think about plecos in their tanks with discus?

Chris McMahon
Mon Oct 04, 2004, 07:06 AM
I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet, but have you considered cories? :D

Cories are addictive.Sure are. I started with Albino (still my favourite) then got Peppered, more albino, Brown, and Green. Think I'll try some of the striped varieties next.

what do people think about plecos in their tanks with discus?I've had no trouble with Bristlenose.

I also have Royal Whiptails with my discus. Occasionally one will have a go at sucking on a discus, but never attaches for more than a second before the discus easily shakes it off. The whiptail never attempts again so I don't think it's an issue. None of my discus show any welts or marks, so I assume they aren't getting suckered during the night either.

Mon Oct 04, 2004, 07:09 AM
Hi Skoom, I am looking at getting a pleco for my 4 ft tank. I will be able to tell you soon I guess.

Mon Oct 04, 2004, 09:54 AM
Which is the the best of the Corydoras?

Mon Oct 04, 2004, 11:01 AM
which is the best is depend on your preference, c. sterbai is known to handle higher temp better, however, all my cories are happily house in my discus tanks.

try with cheaper sp like aenus ....then if you like them, you can always try rarer sp like adolfoi or even green/red/orange/golden line aenus ... hmm

pleco may not be a good idea ... they quite well-known as 'poo machine'
well fed pleco produce heaps of crap :shock: try common bristlenose or you can try fancier sp like peppermint or albino

anyone know where can i get peps and albino bristlenose cheap :lol:

Mon Oct 04, 2004, 11:56 AM
Dreamer, how about a move to say, Singapore? :lol: Last check 5cm albino BN were going for less than $5. :wink:

Mon Oct 04, 2004, 11:57 AM
I think they are all great ... but my next purchase will be Corydoras julii, but yes they get sold wrongly under a different name ... but luckily all cories are great. I just like em. Nice fish.

Kev you know that Singapore buy the fish from Indonesia and Malaysia, for 1/100 - 1/10 the price, and resell on. Lets just get direct from indo or malaysia.

Mon Oct 04, 2004, 12:11 PM
do you mean c. trilineatus :lol: :lol: i wouldnt mind to get some true julii

there isnt much exotic catfish in indonesia, there are currently hit by marine ... clownfish sell around 50c :shock:

cheapest albino bn i can find is $50 for ~4cm

Mon Oct 04, 2004, 12:17 PM
Singapore is the South East Asian hub for unusual fish atm... lots of rare catfish and importers of these exotic fish which Malaysia and Indonesia often don't get. (Most ppl in Malaysia and Indo think paying $2 for a 6cm pleco type fish is too much... :lol: )

True C.julii can be obtained but only from wildcaught imports from Germany etc. I see that Bayfish farms occasionally have wildcaught julii on their lists.... but PRICEY!


Mon Oct 04, 2004, 12:21 PM

Indonesia's first ornamental fish complex completed

An ornamental fish complex worth Rp 18.5 billion (US$2.2 million) has been completed in Cibinong, West Java, the government announced on Wednesday.

The complex, which can accommodate fish from about 3,000 breeders and traders in Greater Jakarta, will function as a research and grading station, selecting and improving the quality of the fish before they are exported to countries around the world.

Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries official Sumpeno Putro said the complex could increase the value of Indonesian ornamental fish exports to US$50 million per year from US$15 million last year.

"The complex will be officially launched by President Megawati Soekarnoputri on March 14. This is only the first phase of the project, which will cover an area of 17.5 hectares at a total cost of Rp 88 billion."

"We want to see how phase one performs before continuing to the next stage," he said.

The funds needed to build the complex came from the state budget and the land was contributed by the Indonesian Institute of Science. The Bogor Residence built a Rp 5 billion bridge to connect the complex.

Indonesia captures only 7.5 percent, or US$15 million, of total world market share for ornamental fish. This is low, considering the country has 4,500 kinds of the world's ornamental fish, more than half of the estimated total of about 8,000 species. About 300 kinds have been identified and named while around 50 have been bred and commercialized.

"Singapore, which has only a few kinds of fish, can capture about 22.5 percent of the world's market share because they have the ability to condition the fish they have imported from Indonesia before they sell them," Sumpeno said.

Botia fish that Singapore imported from Indonesia for Rp 500 a fish could be sold to the international market for US$2 each. Singapore imported millions of Botia fish from here each season, he said.

"That means Singapore can make hundreds of millions of dollars profit from only one kind of fish. If we can sell straight to the international market we can improve our exports significantly."

The plant in Cibinong would enable local breeders to sell their fish directly to potential buyers around the world, he said.

Mon Oct 04, 2004, 12:23 PM
$2 for 6cm pleco would be waaaaay to much in indo or malay ... for $2 expect something around 1', right kev :lol: :lol:

any cory coming in next shipment kev?

Tue Oct 12, 2004, 05:10 AM

Good Site

Tue Oct 12, 2004, 08:57 AM
There's some rumours that some plecos might suck the slime off the discus bodies, but i've heard accounts whereby people have no problem mixing them. I guess its a trial and error kind of thing. Corydoras are great as a tankmates. They're super active in groups, gentle, and do interesting things to make you want to buy more of them.