View Full Version : Thank you so much!

mistakes r crucial
Tue Mar 20, 2007, 07:28 AM
Rohan, Wayne, Bec and anyone else that has helped,

Thank you so much for the Seachem Detoxifier, it arrived this afternoon and I am over the moon. The support from everyone during this difficult time has been, as I've said before, simply overwhelming. I have never come across a community like the Discus Forum, as far as I am concerned it is totally unique and an absolute credit to all concerned. Repeating myself yet again, you are an unbelieveable group of people and you have no idea how much I appreciate all that has been done, it will not be forgotten.

scott bowler
Tue Mar 20, 2007, 07:42 AM
you are most wecome mate , no one likes to see anyone have hard times all the best with it allk hope you are up and runing again soon take care

mistakes r crucial
Tue Mar 20, 2007, 08:33 AM
Thanks to you and your good lady Scott, I will be back but have to sort a few other things out first. Hopefully it won't take long.

Tue Mar 20, 2007, 09:50 AM

Wash your mouth out with soap...

That my friend is a full blown Reverse Osmosis system... and it is the least we can do

Tue Mar 20, 2007, 10:27 AM

I caught glimpses of what has been going on in the discus emergency room section. That must be as stressful as ****. Thankfully, it looks like you got a lot of help.

Still, it was heartbreaking to see the initial pics you put up there. To see those beauties laying on their sides was not a pretty sight. I obviously didn't get a chance to read every post there as there was 7 pages of posts last night, but I hope the fish are pulling through and I hope you didn't lose many.


mistakes r crucial
Tue Mar 20, 2007, 07:46 PM

I wish you'd buy better tasting soap! When I opened it up I saw RO system on the top of the unit but didn't get time to read any of the blurb yesterday. I have this morning and wow, there will be some very happy breeders in the future. Thanks again all.

mistakes r crucial
Tue Mar 20, 2007, 07:48 PM
Hi Greg,

Unfortunately we lost the lot.

Wed Mar 21, 2007, 12:25 AM
Yes, I just caught your last post on the emergency room section today. Sorry to hear about losing the lot. At least we all learned something there: don't use Panacur. Still very sad to see.
