View Full Version : yo yo loaches gone
Sat Mar 17, 2007, 08:32 AM
so i have 4 discus, 5 rummy nose tatra's, 2 bristle nose and am about to get rid of my two yo yo loaches due to how much they harass my discus. they also eat the majority of the food. i have trouble making sure that my other fish get enough to eat. my question is other then loaches what other type of bottom feeders can i have in my tank that wont harass my discus but will tolerate the higher temps?
thanks for any advice
Sat Mar 17, 2007, 08:52 AM
Hello brooke, i also have bristle nose, 1 pleco, 3 clown loaches which hide in a hollow log most of the time. before i put the log in they were gluttons as well :banghead . My pleco is really great on the tank maintenance & eats all day & leaves my Discus alone.
Troy 8-)
Sat Mar 17, 2007, 05:19 PM
Sterba´s Cory (Corydoras sterbai) is good for clean ups. You need at lest 5 of them.
They look great and don't mother other fish in the tank at all.
Sat Mar 17, 2007, 10:51 PM
i would love to have some little guys like that. may be some panda's though. my main problem when researching them is that they seem to like their water a cooler then i keep it. my water stay's between 30 degrees on normal days to 32 degrees on hot days. what temps do other people keep with thoes kinds of fish?
Sun Mar 18, 2007, 05:53 PM
I have my tank set at 86F sometimes goes to 88 or 89 without any problems with the sterbai. Bought 7 of them and only lost one. The love to go around in a group and it is very good to see them moving around in formations.
They also stop moving right after the lights are out, which is good for the discus. They don't bother other the discus at all. If anything, the discus sometimes will push them away when compete for the same food.
mistakes r crucial
Sun Mar 18, 2007, 06:58 PM
Sterbai will tolerate Discus temps, many other Cory's will not.
Mon Mar 19, 2007, 10:00 AM
cool, thanks heaps for all the help :) ill see if i can get some from the lfs
Discus Dan
Tue Mar 27, 2007, 03:52 AM
Just a quick question. How did you catch the yoyo loaches? I tried catching them with some clear pipe with some blood worm as bait, but the only thing I got was my clown loaches and the ocassional discus trying to get in. I thought it was too small for the clown loaches but they squeezed in anyway. The yoyo's were reluctant to even get their noses in. Any help would be appreciated.
Sun Apr 01, 2007, 01:23 AM
i did a 50% water change pulled out most of my plants and all of my drift wood got two nets one big to heard them with and one big to catch them with and cornered them. it still took a good half an hour or more and i had to do it twice. i didn't have another tank i could put them in for the day but my partener had a good sized breeder net that i could use but it fell off the side during the night and they got out. the second time though it only took about 10 mins. i waited a few days to do it again though as i didn't feel right stressing my discus that much. it was funny watching the discus try to get at the loaches once they were in the net, some pay back i reackon :lol:
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