View Full Version : Thin/Skeletal looking Discus
Tue Mar 13, 2007, 10:25 AM
Hi Everyone,
One of the smaller Discus in my tank has been missing for a few days. It was bought at the same time as others (Dec/Jan) that seem to have grown quite well but this one just keeps going AWOL.
I saw it at the front of the tank on the weekend and tried to get it out to put in another tank so I could try and feed it up a bit and nourish it but it went nuts and disappeared until tonight.
It has just appeared from I don't know where (I'd looked everywhere and couldn't find it) and is now looking quite unwell. If anything, it looks like it hasn't eaten for ages and had a long, white, transparent stringy poo hanging from it - about 2 inches long.
I've tried again tonight to get it out the tank but it is so small it hides easily in the tank behind the thermometer or in the driftwood roots. The only thing I managed to do in trying to get it out the tank was to start stressing the other fish for 15-20 mins.
As per other posts here, I've dosed the tank before when I had worms so I'm not sure that this Discus has worms now but it just isn't growing after months of being in the tank and is just nowhere when food goes in the tank.
The way things are looking, I'd say this Discus is going to die if I can't do something for it. My concern now is that that if this Discus is stressed it will put others at risk. The skeletal appearance is down to it not eating - does the white stringy poo mean the same?
Is there anything I can do to help it? The only way to get it out the tank is to take out the driftwood and some plants to give me a clear run at getting it but this will probably freak the other Discus out more
Bill T
Wed Mar 14, 2007, 05:46 AM
IMHO...wouldn't hurt to dose the tank with Octozin.
mistakes r crucial
Wed Mar 14, 2007, 07:22 AM
It sounds like your little Discus has Hex. You need to treat it otherwise it will die. You can either treat with Metronidazole or Octazin as Bill suggested, my preference would be Metro but you will have to see a vet to obtain it. Hex is normally brought on by stress of some type but if it is the smallest fish in the tank and has been harrassed somewhat there in lies your answer. I would be treating the whole tank now as it can be passed from fish to fish quite easily. Keep your water params in check and your water very clean, treat the fish and hopefully he will grow up to be something you will be proud of.
Wed Mar 14, 2007, 09:30 AM
Thanks for the responses. I'll dose with Octazin tonight as I have some of this.
I was just thinking I was starting to do OK at this after a couple of hectic months in Jan/Feb. The other Discus in the tank have been doing really well and I even think I've got a pair that may go on to breed.
Hopefully I can turn it around with this little one.
Mon Mar 19, 2007, 09:49 AM
Well I finished the 3 day course on Friday night and I am monitoring the tank.
This thin Discus looks no better. Still lurking at the back, avoiding food. Dark in colour, white stringy poo continues and it is lurking tonight with an inch long poo hanging out.
It did come out of hiding for a while put as soon as I came to the tank with the intention of trying to get it out it went back into hiding.
Not sure what to do now. All other Discus look fit, healthy and colourful?!?!?
Sat Mar 24, 2007, 09:49 AM
Well I managed to get the sick Discus out as part of a water change today. Popped up next to a second filter I have running in the tank and with a large net I was able to corner it.
It is now in my hospital tank and I've tried my best to get a photo. Apologies about the quality.
What I've noticed since getting the Discus out:
** Another long (1-1.5 inch white poo hanging from anus just before it was caught.
** Skeletal condition - head is widest part of the body. Spine can be seen running to tail.
** Pectoral fins showing signs of wasting/melting. End of tail different colour to the rest (whitish)
** Mouth/head area is almost transparent and can see black mark inside moving back and forth.
I've tried to feed it whilst I had it in a jug pending transfer to the hospital tank but it shows no interest. Is now lurking in the bottom/top corner of the tank.
I'd like to think I can rescue this Discus but it may be a big ask. Will try and feed it some brine shrimp/bloodworm and try and get it interested.
Whilst this Discus was fine when I got it I'd imagine it is now runted as it hasn't grown like the other one I got at the same time.
Currently in a hospital tank with same parameters as main tank but with a dose of salt.
All other Discus in the main tank look 100%.
Can anyone help or provide advice?
Sat Mar 24, 2007, 11:49 AM
Tried some frozen bloodworm and brine shrimp but again there was zero interest in food.
Will see if I can get some live brine shrimp tomorrow but getting to the point where I can't hold out much hope for this Discus.
Mon Mar 26, 2007, 08:02 AM
Still no improvement and continues refusal of food.
Came home from work to find it drifting around the tank and thought it was dead.
Laboured breathing, drifting around with head up/tail down. Makes for the surface/top corner of the tank but won't always stay there and drops to the corner.
Should I just put this Discus out of its misery?
Mon Mar 26, 2007, 08:13 AM
I am sorry to read about you poor little one... I had one like it a while back.
Have you tried medication whilst it is by itself.... and have you tried enticing it with live food such as black worm or live brine shrimp... sometimes that can work.. I had one that would eat anything but started eating again when I gave it black worms.. once it was eating again I was able to start getting it back onto its regular food.
If you believe it is too far gone you may need to make that difficult decision.
good luck
Mon Mar 26, 2007, 08:21 AM
Hi Sammigold,
I tried to get some live brineshrimp on the weekend but the LFS had none. I'm promised some in stock tomorrow; I just hope they get stock as they are the only one on the central coast.
I've been avoiding live worm as I felt my Discus were getting internal worms from them. I guess in this case I can try if I can't get BS and then worm the Discus if it gets back to full strength.
Mon Mar 26, 2007, 09:05 AM
Have you considered force-feeding it? Usually this process is a last resort, but if you can medicate some food, and get it into the little fella it might be enough to make it hang on until it improves.
In the mean time you will want to keep the temp in your hospital tank up nice and high, say around 32 degrees C
Good luck with him!
Mon Mar 26, 2007, 09:55 AM
He doesn't look at all well, does he.
At this stage, I'd try anything to feed him, even live blackworm, and worry about the resuts of feeding live foods later on.
Unfortunately, some discus just seem to give up, and just waste away. It's very frustrating, but sometimes, no matter what we do, they won't resume eating. I think your little fish may have just about reached that time, but before you give up, try the live brine or live worms and see if that will tempt him.
I'm assuming you're still treating with metro. Keep the treatment up and keep your fingers crossed.
Mon Mar 26, 2007, 10:09 AM
try metro not octozin and it will work.
Mon Mar 26, 2007, 10:38 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone.
How do I force feed? I've tried putting food directly in front of this Discus but it swims away from anything.
As above, will pick up live food tomorrow PM as I'm at work all day.
I don't have Metro - how do I get this as I've not seen it available on line? If it is vet only then I'm not even sure where to begin here on the Central Coast - it is hard enough to find decent fish never mind a vish vet!
Mon Mar 26, 2007, 04:42 PM
if you cannot get your hands on metro try a very low ph of around 5. it seems to work on white poo.
mistakes r crucial
Mon Mar 26, 2007, 08:33 PM
If you let me know how many litres you need to treat I'll send you some Metro.
Mon Mar 26, 2007, 08:53 PM
Thanks for the offer MAC. PM sent.
Will look at dropping the pH tonight after work.
Mon Mar 26, 2007, 09:20 PM
Sadly, this Discus appears to have given in this morning. I was half expecting it to pass during the night but it was still trying this morning.
In the half hour that I've been up and had the tank light on it seems to have totally given in and there are no signs of life as I go to work. It is hanging with a slight curve in the body although there could possibly be the odd twitch.
The body appears to have gone black in parts. Have tried to get a photo but the front of this tank is curved so it is not the best.
Tue Mar 27, 2007, 01:36 AM
That's so sad enigmatic. You did everything you could. Sometimes we just can't save them.
It's possible he had a tumour of some kind, that would never have responded to medication.
It's not easy, I know, but we pick ourselves up and move on.
The only comfort is that you know you did everything possible.
Wed Mar 28, 2007, 08:00 AM
Sorry to hear that he lost his fight.
but like Merrilyn said you did your very best and that is all you can do.
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